Beer Baron

Now with more sodium!


"… and she's an acrobat, Ted!"

"Boy, Han's enforcer Bolo sure seems tough! I hope John Saxon's the one who gets to fight him!"

Star Wars was the biggest thing in my life when I was a little kid, and this news just makes me feel very, very tired.

I should probably watch Superbad again at some point. I remember being a little weirded out that Jonah Hill seemed perfectly appropriate as a high-school-aged peer of Michael Cera, where just two months earlier, he seemed perfectly appropriate as a post-college-aged peer of Seth Rogen in Knocked Up. Truly that man is

I've got a shovel …

Nah, I'm expecting something more along the lines of " … blah blah blah unfortunate political realities in the age of PC culture … given no choice … "


I saw Primate of Italy in a double-feature with Werewolf of London in an old revival theater a while back. Still holds up pretty good.

At our last Halloween party, a handful of us ended up hanging out in a room with a TV playing Rocky Horror in the background. In walks a friend (husband of one of my wife's grad school peeps) who was born and raised in Kenya and he was absolutely baffled. This was … not a piece of American popular culture that had

I don't remember watching The Jetsons so much as I remember them just being on a lot.

Second is "flat abs without exercise".

I think you should have a nice long talk with Lisa Ann.

I've been noticing it's been harder to get away from pairings of [Related by blood persons] any time there's an age discrepancy. Okay, you've got this perfectly nice .gif of a twenty-something guy giving it to a thirty-something lady. Nooo! Don't caption it so it's his MOM! What the fuck, dude?

Has it occurred to anyone else that maybe this is because millennials are smart enough to know that if you're searching for porn involving women … BREASTS ARE ALREADY PRETTY MUCH GUARANTEED?!

In response to your first sentence: No.
In response to your second sentence: No
In response to your third sentence: No

Hey! I just realized that Disqus hasn't randomly logged me out in nearly two days! You know, I'm thinking maybe Disqus has finally gotten its act together. Yep, from here on out I'm pretty confident everything's going to be alllll right. :)

Well, the college republicans around here apparently love him.

I like the one with the dog and his little kitten friend who almost gets turned into a cookie.