
Having parents from different regions definitely complicates things. My dad was an army brat, spending the longest periods of time in Arlington VA and Seattle. My mom's family moved from Argentina to Long Island when she was three, and she learned English from a mix of TV and Pennsylvanian nuns.

I grew up in Montana, so I guess that fits!

Growing up, like most self-centered people (aka human people), I didn't think I had an accent. Once I realized that isn't actually possible, I just figured I had the standard American broadcaster accent.

Justin Timberlake is dead?!

I'd vote for Charles II over Trump any day.

And with history!

Joke's on her. People with only 2-3 grandparents are a key Trump demo.

viva la clit INDEED.

Here's how much the election has fried my brain: I read your last sentence, pictured the actual geographical shape of North Carolina, and tried to figure out what was potentially funny/dirty/anti-business about it.

"Pathologically available" is the best description of Nicolas Cage I've ever seen.

But in the case of Squeaky Fromme, people did die. Like Adolf and Judas before her, she totally ruined her name for everyone.

My heart broke right along with Eleanor's when he rushed to assure Other Eleanor they weren't romantically involved. Kristen Bell and William Jackson Harper have such crazy good chemistry.

You also said "this is super bitchy of me," and then went ahead anyway. Considering all the objectifying shit women already have to put up with, did the world really need your opinion? Did it need it repeated across two different comments? We get it. You're not into her. Feel free to shut up.

Gee, maybe he likes her personality? Or maybe attractiveness is subjective?

It's really hard to feel creeped out in a candy-colored house in the middle of a sunny San Jose afternoon. I think one would have to try one of the Halloween/evening tours to achieve the haunted house feel.

Very true. I'm pretty sure the last tour I took there was led by a robot. She recited her script in a fast monotone, and any questions that could've let to off-script answers were essentially met by a blank stare.

No, she grabbed the batawang.

Actually, it's the other way around. The writers opted for a Choose Your Own Adventure-meets-Sophie's Choice storyline. If you choose to feed your family, Batman dies. If you let them starve, Batman lives.

I'll grab my musket batarang.