Del Besta Bico

The Eagleton Ron thing worked for me because he wasn't just a "liberal" version of Ron; he had this "Green", libertarian socialist vibe to him that made for a more interesting contrast.

Go to the movie and feel bad about enriching a homophobe; pay taxes and feel a thousand times worse for funding the murderous American Empire

Commented up-thread (as always), but Keaton's Wayne was just a little too "off"…he had no real "public" persona the way the other guys did. In Returns he just sits in the dark in Wayne Manor waiting for the Bat-Signal!

I really like the Burton films, but I could never really understand Keaton's Wayne. There's this scene in Returns where he's just sitting in a dark room in Wayne Manor, doing nothing until suddenly the light of the Bat Signal floods the room; it's like they decided to make him insane but not give him a plausible

I was about 5 years old when "Forever" came out, and prior to that my
main exposure was BTAS and Mask of the Phantasm (first movie I remember
seeing in theaters), and I enjoyed it at the time, same with Batman and
Robin. Looking back on it now, it's pretty obvious that Batman and Robin
was awful, but I can't help but

Superman's not prepared to be Judge Judy?

I'm more than a bird, I'm more than a plane…I'm a BIRDPLANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Say hello to my little friend, Yoda.



Play me off, Johnny!

Darth Vader: he wasn't able to use his magic to conjure up the stolen data tapes, or to get the clairvoyance to find the Rebels' hidden fortress.

@avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus Fair enough, although I don't think that season 2 was entirely without its "wacky" moments; one of the other recent articles pointed out how tonally inconsistent the show was, even in its best days.

"Season 4 was when the show started getting bad" agreed. We are talking about The Simpsons, right?

more absurd? How so? If anything, I thought the ensemble dynamic got stronger, especially with one of the few successful attempts by the series to add new characters.

Jim and Pam meet up with former Congressman Ron Paul, and they have many wacky adventures together, always on the lookout for the specter of tyranny.

"universally agreed"? I think one could make a credible argument that the third season is the best.

Abdulrahman al-Awlaki probably thought so, amirite?

Watched almost none of season 8, but thought season 9 was mostly an improvement on the few episodes I had seen…besides missing season 8, this has been the one show I've actually followed along on TV, all the way from the first season. Not sure if it's been answered, but was Meredith's son the same actor as the one

I consider myself something of a Ron Paul libertarian and I love this show as well. I would say Leslie's belief in good government was mocked in early seasons, and while in this past season there has been a bit of an attempt to make her into some sort of Bloomberg figure, I think she's portrayed as still being in the