Del Besta Bico

While I share contempt for those who mindlessly vote Republican, I must say that the strawman version of libertarianism the show has always been up against has only gotten more strawman-ish this season.

I know Clapton's not that cool, but the guy wrote Layla and was in Cream! 

Beers in Heaven



Nice to see some commenters praising 3 (the only one I've ever seen)…it really does a good job in that zany, Airplane! style.

Thanks for the link! I've been reading these for the past 10 minutes and I can't stop laughing

so no one's mentioned Eddie Murphy's Elvis bit? "We gotta win this race…"

if libertarians are sociopaths, I'd hate to know what kind of disorder President Drone Strike suffers from…

caring about innocent foreigners killed by America's disastrous foreign policy is selfish?

take 2: The reunion's time is gonna come.

A reunion won't happen by their time of dying.

The amazing thing about Seinfeld is how so many of its "iconic" elements occupy such a small amount of episodes in the show. The fourth season, often considered the best, lacks features such as Puddy, George's parents (for the most part), the Yankees/Steinbrenner, J. Peterman, and many more.

does anyone know what those reasons are? even rumors?

libertarian and a fan of the show. Nothing about the show really strikes me as "political".

libertarian and a fan of the show. Nothing about the show really strikes me as "political".

What's the deal with rap? I mean, you can't spell "crap" without it!

His poop is considered currency in Argentina.

Glad to see some love for "Dr. Poop"…the line that always gets me is when the doctor gets off the phone after making rude comments about the Framinghams and just says "I was…subscribing to some magazines".

Well, I just finished season one (I purchased the first two seasons of this show a few days ago). Incredible, especially the last disc or so. I'm really looking forward to starting season two.