
I honestly don't get this. Kari is cute and seems like would be a nice girl to hang out with (after all slightly a nerd herself) this doesn't mean that I'm interested in cleavage or ass shots of her. With all the hot girls on the naughty sites on the interwebs, I've never felt the urge to look at actresses like that.

I really liked the ending because it wasn't some moralistic message that drugs be bad. No, the guy just went on with his life and was successful.

GeRRRai, geRRRai, McStaniskis!

Christopher, maybe a nitpick but Solaris is not a "Russian novel." It was written by Stanislaw Lem who is Polish. There is a Russian and also an American film based on the novel but that wouldn't make Solaris an American work either.

"the actions of a few monstrous Germans have made it impossible for Colette to forgive the entire nation."
Umm, 30% of the population voted for Adolf and not too many protested during the early phases of the Nazification when it was possible to do so. So let's not play the game that it was just a few bad apples and

That line is an inside joke. In 1980 Keith had just bought a house and was getting it fixed up. The line is supposedly something the contractor said, but at first Keith thought it was a double entendre. Though what that could have meant is beyond me.

Well, in this specific case the propaganda is being waged by the little guy.
Россияне нападавших. Как обычно.


No one* wants to read your crappy writeup.

Actually some of use were alive in the 60's as well. What the fuck is wrong with that?

Now that the jerks have done their firsties…
As a kid in the late 70's I tried to watch Doctor Who but didn't like it. I remember that every time Iwatched it, they were already in the middle of some adventure and I didn't know who was who or all the conventions.
Castrovalva sounds like a case in point. Even with a new

That picture on the right
It just looks too much like someone dropped a log into a pile of sick.
I honestly don't think I've seen anything as disgusting in a long time.

A "me too" for the love also from me. I'm old enough to have watched the later seasons on first run and then for years on syndication (I Taxi ran on CBC for many years).
Anyway, just watching the opening brings a warm nostalgic feeling for a show with a really good vibe.

Did anyone get here by way of one man cults?

If we go in that direction then it could be said that the mom's conventional ideas probably also contribute to the general European economic malaise of massive state involvement in the economy, rigid labor markets, restrictive hiring practices that also means the kids will never be able to achieve what she

In music pretty much everywhere you will find English to be dominant. Rock and roll, country, hip-hop, rap all are rooted in English and so it's natural that influence is felt.
Secondly, a language like German has around 90 million listeners across Europe. A band singing in English will have an audience of 400 million

I'm generally with Tasha
Why revisit when there's so much new stuff.
That said, as a kid I loved cop-shows and especially loved The Rockford Files. I'm now rewatching it, and while there are many places where the pacing seems wrong now, it's still pretty damn good.

Her Problem?
She got some husband/manager to run the show rather than going with Colonel Homer Simpson.

Great article. Also answered my question why there's no best of Carson really available.
