
I also thought she died. But then I keep confusing her with Sarah Bernhardt who continues to be dead these past 87 years.
Actually I found her complaints about the interwebs kind of funny as it's a crotchety old man kind of thing and means she's getting old.

@Just a nigga

Let's be honest here
This holier than thou attitude is typical american puritanism. The fantasy of hitting some of that sweet, sweet ass is fantastic. And if you're honest with yourself (and a straight guy) you'll admit that too. Maybe you wouldn't act on it, but movies are just that. Fantasies.

A co dokadnie Tobie sie nie podoba?

What I want to know is
Is he planning to write a sequel?
If so, I really hope it will be called C++

Is it just me?
Or did anyone else think this game was called Skank? I'd give that game an A+ just on name alone.

Pop out or poop out?

Actually it's not Ethan Hawke. It's father Guido Sarducci.

@tvontheradioisokayiguess So you friend's GIRLFRIEND got knocked up and then miscarried. And somehow this made him sad rather than ecstatic?
That's even freakier than Eraserhead.

Jumpan for the Commodore 64? You wrote that????
Man, I loved that game.
The Jumpan Jr I loved much less.

@dumbfounded dipshit
What guy? The one who's having fun in a club dancing salsa, instead of moping around at home?
I'm not some guy with a giant belly and gold chains hoping to grope the ladies, but simply going out like I did 10 or 15 or 20 years ago. Or do you think there should be a cutoff for going out to clubs?

1966 and last night I was at a club until 4 AM grooving with two girls young enough to be my daughters.

Weird, I had no problems playing it, and it didn't make me feel ill.
The hardest bit was that the key mapping was different from the Tetris I played years ago so I kept dropping blocks inappropriately.
Then again I don't get motion sickness and this could be related.

What's up with the "-" score
I need an actual letter grade if I am to watch this, dammit!

If you want to check out old SF online, go to http://www.freesfonline.de there's a lot of the old F&SF, Analog, Asimovs there.
It's a good site to read on your phone when you have some spare time.

The other point is why always pick freakin' France? The resistance was almost nothing and was heavily amplified after the war to justify giving France the status it didn't deserve as a victorious power.
There are some pretty freakin' amazing stories out there you could fictionalize AND also give a feel for the times.

@3rd prize youre fired.

More like santorum.

box of paperbacks book club??
Keith, when will we have the next entry in the box of paperbacks book club? I will now be haunting you with this query all the time.

Beyonce == Chucky?
Seriously in the choking photo I thought at first someone it was the Chucky doll.