jay sherman hemsley

So they have all just been straight up lying about this episode being heart breaking to film. I get they know someone died and that would make it hard, but they made it sound traumatic to film

You are absolutely right. Carol stared into the abyss, and the abyss showed her the story arc for the next several seasons, and she just surrendered to the void. "It won't let me die, or truly live. It's just a time loop, the same thing again and again and again and…"

Didn't the actors go on about how gut-wrenching this was to film? What the hell? On the other hand, I was initially worried if they killed Eugene the mullet population would plummet, but I think Negan's group has that taken care of.

Of course not, they don't want him to come off as a hero

What are you talking about? What classic terrifying villain hasn't used the words "pee-pee pants" whilst droning on and on and on and on. I know they wanted to build suspense, but the whole time I was just come on already!

So you mean a Kit Harrington sitting in a pub with GOT co-stars while still insisting he's dead situation

It won't be Abraham, since he volunteered.

Holy crap you're right. He would have been perfect. What he's shown he can do in two very different parts which both required real range over the course of the shows. And just the one scene tonight he'd have been so much creepier


I act times want main characters to go so the show has real stakes, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy Glenn got saved, though I worry the constant near-killing-off is foreshadowing. I like him and Maggie dangit, but the moment she said she was pregnant I had a feeling one of them was going to go

I think a little sound and seeing some sign of the rpg would've helped me, it felt like they just exploded. For me the problem with the near-killing of Glenn, again, is now it really feels like foreshadowing at this point. Is he a about to die? No…or yes he is…no he didn't. I'd have been okay with he went out saving

And the occasional magic dumpster doesn't hurt

This show counts on it…a lot

Well Glenn understands the basic architectural principal that rickety structures hold until you get close enough for there to be visual tension

Oh they're so killing Glenn, they are just telegraphing it. Was I the only one who thought Father Gabriel was getting eaten when he started his bravery speech?

That is hilarious and adorable. Just a friendly word of warning, it is shocking how many adults seem to be completely thrown off by a funny kid

And when they demonstrate your sense of humor or make references to things you've shared that you love, it is the best. When my daughter gets a scratch and goes to "it's just a flesh wound" or like tonight she was winding down and I hear "Da-aisy, Da-a-a-aisy…" It just makes you so proud and full of joy

What is the over/under on number of episodes Glen survives? I think it could even be the next one, after all, it would be the ultimate screw you to fans by having the Valentine's Day episode be where Maggie and Glen finally reunite, only to…well…have that be short lived

Then maybe she needs to be the one to talk to him, maybe she still gets through

A nice store like that would have had an elevator