jay sherman hemsley

It's also concerning that she's inviting random people to be the ones in charge of it, when really the farther you go and more you push the more it needs someone you trust who knows what they're doing

Why start now?

Take it over to the counter and you get a choice between a stuffed animal and yo-yo or a Pop-A-Shot game!

Those are an investment!

The good news is, you can absolutely see her again, the bad news, well I guess that depends on how you feel about subscribing to the all access version of a free network

Mr fancy, not calling the horseless-carriage hole like tha restof us

Next he'll be using fancy words to describe where he puts his car

See him, hear his words demanding vengeance in my head whenever I close my eyes, pretty much the same thing

If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life

Maybe it's more of a bucka bucka crowd?

Look, I enjoy life and its pleasures as much as anyone here, except perhaps you, Hedonismbot. But we need to be shut off, especially you, Hedonismbot!

I may not be a wrestling fan, but I definitely love stories from that time. Up there with 1960s-80s rockstars for craziest road tales; some are great, some are insane, some are even legitimately wrong, but they were just…nuts

Well like they say on Breitbart, everyone deserves a safe space

I believe step 3 involves Ivanka

Oh I think that's absolutely true. I think bannon felt too restricted and thinks he'll do more good spreading lies, attacking enemies both real and perceived and mobilizing their horrifying base into horrifying action

You're either on their side or you're not, or as we've seen a lot of already you are until you're not.

It's not his tail he tries to get in his own mouth

Do you have a link to the meltdown? Sorry to ask you to do the legwork, I can't get my phone to open his site, which on one hand I kind of respect but right now is annoying me

Oh fuck that's amazing! I have to see the look on Maher's face, as he wonders if he is about to get in trouble again/beat up by Ice Cube

I can't watch for a while, what the hell did he say?