jay sherman hemsley


Alien: Pyrydys Lyst

Kudos for beating me to this

His head is not that big, it just looks big because he is standing next to Willow

That was the one that blew me away. I new him from Roger Rabbit and the instant classic that was Super Mario Bros. and then heard him on with David Letterman and had my mind frickin blown!

That's what I was thinking, as much as I wanted to know, I can't last that long. I would do anything to know the answer, but I won't do that!

Thanks alot, now I have the Katamari theme song stuck in my head! They have such catchy soundtracks. But really, as long as we can all agree Johnny Lawrence played by Billy Zabka was the hero of the Karate Kid

Interesting. I will grant you that he is a much better villain, and he has his awful side like with Tyrion's first wife, I guess he just makes my blood boil less because he does what he does for an endgame (legacy) as opposed to shits and sadistic giggles

So I am curious what people think, because this is a discussion I've had with a few friends. Who inspires more hate, Joffrey or Ramsay? For me it is still Joffrey. Maybe because until last season most of Ramsay's (on-screen) cruelty was aimed at one person, maybe it's because I wussed out and fast-forwarded through

Though he's no Super-Nintendo Chalmers

You're my boy, bluey!

And we should really listen to this Hutz guy, he's argued in front of every judge in this state. Often as a lawyer.

Oh boy, data entry! That's where I'm a viking!

As the guy recently singing "Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill the Poor!" along with DK it would be hard for me to dispute your last point.

Your last point is true because The Clash were straightforward anger as opposed to the snark and dark sarcasm of the Pistols. I will always choose the Clash debut, it's just preference, I think the peak of musical ambition under the raw aggression pushes it over the edge for me. And just so you don't think I'm coming

I think that the Sex Pistols are very analogous to NWA. They weren't the best, they weren't the most influential, but critics and the media helped to make them the public face of their respective genres at a time when those genres were first entering and being defined in the public consciousness.

The Clash, The Clash > Never Mind the Bullocks

It just so happens that your friend here is only MOSTLY dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive. With all dead, well, with all dead there's usually only one thing you can do

I know what you mean. I've never fast-forwarded this show before but
found myself doing it three times this year: Sansa's rape, Stannis
burning his soul alive, and the long shame walk. I like when the show
takes an extra beat for effect, like with the Tyrion, Greyworm,
Missandei group when they are left to be in

After Stannis became a monster and it was him vs. the Boltons I was absolutely rooting for the White Walkers to show up and kill them all