jay sherman hemsley

Time-traveling Daenyrys is now the only acceptable answer to the mystery

Let's see, one made me think that the father, while cold and distant, loves his child, while the other had me thinking the dad would sacrifice that "son" in a heartbeat if it helped him. So to me the winner is clear

They were pretty hard to resist

I think it's skin on skin, so more like some STD rules?

Best exchange of the night goes to,
"…we're rescuing my niece."
"Your…niece"(raises eyebrow)
Someone's brother didn't keep the family secret

I agree he has to leave some time, there is no way his larger plot takes place at the Wall. I just still can't believe he was able to resist the raw charisma that is Stannis

He's the anti-used car salesman. Instead of a crappy deal sold with charm and smooth talk, his stoic face and dour demeanor can take the shine off of a sweet deal. Remember him at the iron bank, it wasn't his winning personality that won them over

They've got Sam, who killed a white wa…yeah I see your point

Shows I am into are ones where I am captivated by things that aren't inherently interesting, and it usually happens when it features characters I enjoy seeing being in their element (Mad Men in a board room) or when the show world builds enough that I am interested in the details of their society (the iron bank is a

In fairness, they do greet her as liberators…many of them, at least. But then others don't…and then there is conflict that embroils her so much that she can't leave (even though, fuck the analogy, PLEASE CROSS THE SEA ALREADY!)…she is stuck there because she is trying to keep the peace and prevent all-out civil

Or that if you see a black man in a nice ass house it has to really be a white guy in disguise hiding out. Black men are home owners too!

It was not that he was bored, Jaime just made him an offer he couldn't refuse

In fairness, wine only turns into alcohol if you let it sit.

Is there something wrong with me when one of the only ones that made me say 'what?" out loud was "Deep Blue Sea," when I thought they meant the shark one?

You think her time in the wild has made her an exhibitionist with walkers (or walkxerbitionist as I assume they'll come to be known)?

I wasn't creeped out so much as disturbed that two supposedly smart survival-savvy kids hid in a tree. I understand it provides cover, but if you make a noise you're totally trapped and just picked out your coffin

As soon as they hit play my wife and I looked at each other and both started singing "Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows…"
Then I wanted to see one of them with that satisfied, Homer-in-the-backseat look

This couldn't be more of a filler episode if it was written on the fillinest day of their life with an electrified fillin' machine!

I was just having this discussion with my wife; "Bark" got to me more than any cartoon and most shows ever have, she is more moved by "Fryish." We decided a lot of it just comes down to your experience. I am an only child and grew up with a dog I loved, she has siblings but didn't have a childhood pet. They are both

I got one episode into the first season and was done, the new one looks interesting and has Vic Mackey, so I've thought about. What season is best to I jump in?