jay sherman hemsley

Citizens of the AV Club- I implore you for your wisdom. I no longer have a hate watch show. Biker Hamlet is gone and Walking Dead has gone from hate watch to watch, so where do I turn? Hell, with Mad Men and Justified on their way out I barely have anything to watch period

1. The show died as it lived, brutalizing a classic song.
Tonight, and all season long jax’s best scenes were the ones with
Jimmy Smitts. Of course, so were Gemma’s, and Wendy’s for that matter.
Come to think of it, everyone’s best scenes were with Smitts. Hmm…
I thought one of the best moments of

I was shocked he didn't let her sing over her dead body montage. They could have let her butcher "knockin' on heaven's door"

I could see a Shield style ending where- Shield spoiler, I guess I'll say- the worst fate isn't death but rather losing the family that they, in their mind, compromised everything for. For her exile from her family is probably worse than death, unless it's like the exile in Mad Mad Thunderdome where they put the huge

Did anybody else think when Eugene was humming a tune in the library that this could be a chance for something like Maggie to react and Glenn to say "thinking of Beth again?" Just that would've made her feel more real and like a real sister and called back to last week and I assume next week.

Is Beth in the comics? If so, without being spoiler-ey, does she serve more of a purpose there?

I was chuckling at your SOA reference because I kept saying when we first saw the Governor that I wanted an episode to end with him in his room and Gemma walking over to his and holding his head while saying "there there, baby" and reminding him of what needed to be done for the good of the town. Then musical montage

Doesn't everyone agree the first episode was the best? Maybe "Clear" is competition but are there even other contenders?

Thanks, so there was never time to see if anything happened as a result of eating the tainted Dale?

Can anyone tell me how the tv version of the "hunters" arc did/didn't parallel the comic version? I don't read them and while I don't want spoilers beforehand I like hearing about the similarities and differences between specific arcs after.

That's the Jax Teller way- wrong but with gusto!

If Gemma wasn't married to the writer (and already obligated to 4 more songs and 2 more increasingly degrading rape scenes) a show like this would probably have had an immediate consequence for a death threat like that. Damn I wanted Tara to pull Chekhov's gun out. The moved away/passed away line was so predictable,

She was terrific; though early on, when her plan started to unravel, I hoped that was part of a larger play. Her plan just seemed so destined to fall apart, I hoped that was intentional, but I guess it just reeks of desperation and lack of dark cunning

Can anyone tell me what Chibbs garbled to Jax as the show cut to
commercial at the first half hour mark? Even by Chibbs standards that
was a tough one

I think Tara isn't as good at this as Gemma at being scheming, but I also think Gemma saying she wouldn't do it is b.s. She would do anything. There is a great line in The Shield when Vic confronts Shane about (Spoiler alert) Lem, where Vic tells Shane he would have spared Lem, and Shane replies something along the

I know when I don't want to kill someone I fire multiple clips at them with an automatic weapon. He realistically could have hit someone on accident

Plus she ran over his bike, they don't take kindly to that

I was worried when the Chinese showed up that Haps was a goner, to prove they were serious and because the show hasn't pulled a "kill-one-of-the-only-characters-people-like in a while.(R.I.P. Opie and T-Dawg…wait, that isn't right) He is the least integral of the remaining gang plot-wise, which follows the show's

Unless it is building to more with the girls, or Carol's relationship with the girls. Not that this show is great at the payoff that follows the build up

Is it possible to for someone to explain, without comic book spoilers, why so many
people were excited by the introduction of Tyrese? I don't need to know
specifics of what he did, but what type of character was he/what did he
bring that made his presence anticipated. So far there has been little to him on the show.