El Marco

I was a lot like Calvin as a child. I had no social skills and i spent all my time in my imagination. Ironically it's the first piece of pop culture were began to figure out concepts like unreliable narration and a subject view of reality.

Dawn isn't a politically engaged person, she just wants to get through the day. 

I like the peace in the backseat,
I don't have to drive, I don't have to speak,
I can watch the country side, and I can fall asleep.

Rebellion (Lies) was the first song of theirs I remember hearing. It's such an amazing song about owning your desires and dreams and letting go of pointless fear and self hatred.

I've been listening to the Talking Heads my whole life; granted my parents are huge fans.

I've been going through a Station to Station phase lately. Every song on that album is gorgeous.

Funeral by Arcade Fire. It came out when I was 14 and that album really captures the beginning of developing complicated emotions like depression, self awareness and the lust/love dichotomy. I really love the how Arcade Fire's albums developed thematically. Neon Bible was an album about becoming a political being and

A lot of people listen to music in terms of induvidual songs and feel that sometimes song need the context of of their albums to make sense. I had my iPod on shuffle with my girlfriend and the slow version of Big Day Coming by Yo La Tengo came on. She said the song was very depressing and I completely disagreed saying

Interesting album, there's a fun anything goes vibe. The YYY's are surprisingly versatile band, they are capable of pop or avant-gard and irony or sincerity.

I'm pro legalization but I think it's unhealthy to use any substance on a regular basis and I think hardcore stoners are among the most annoying people on the planet. It should be legal because hemp is an amazing textile and it is incredibly nutritious.

Molly is MDMA and X is mixture of MDMA and some sort of amphetamine. 

I've tried prescription Tylenol and smoking a couple of times. Just put me to sleep.

Ive noticed that as people age they loose their ability to tolerate ganga. Most of the old hippies I know are done after a few hits of outdoor.

It's all about set and setting. As @avclub-920530cb8744c679e3a2ece84f1d5ce4:disqus said it can expand your horizons. Good LSD and great people will give you the energy and imagination of small child.

Not to pry; but were you into pills, or snort it or drink tea or did you actually tie your arm off do some serious horse horse?

That scene really captured the temporal hallucinations you get from good LSD. LSD can really scramble your sense of the progression of time and one hour feels like ten and your sense of space and depth perception is really wonky.

Really depends on the person. Some people have hallucinations after a few tokes and some can work after bong hoots.

As a 23 Canadian guy who spends way to much time in his own head and listens to too much indie rock and who has fucked up pretty much every job I have ever had I most definitely can relate to Scott Pilgrim

There's a prevailing theme in the American media that everybody born outside the united states is exotic and foreign. The producers at CBS made Cobie Smulders' charcter on HIMYM from Vancouver to make her seem more exotic and yet Vancouver and Seattle are hardly different cities. And Most films and TV shows shot in

One of the things I love about that episode is that it shows how far Don has slipped away from youth culture and how dull his critical edge is. He couldn't acknowledge the difference between the Beatles at the height of there creative powers and some no name band.