El Marco

I heard more than enough horror stories IRL. It's sad and scary how many dudes think that any sort of manipulation is charming or effect.

If was just a spelling mistake.

One of the things I apreciate about my job is I can listen to music while working. It helps with existenstial dread.

I know this is cliche but you can't love anyone else or be a good partner if you don't love and respect youself.

Is it a good idea to ask for contact info other than the dating app before making plans to go on a date or after?

Dan actually handled that one pretty well. That was some serious concern trolling.

Does whisky count as beer?

I try not to perpetuate gender or sexual stereotypes but I work in dude broish company and I hear a lot unenlightened opinions. I sometimes get into arguements but most of the timw when I call someone out on their mysongyny, homophobia or transphobia I'm greeted with a blank stare or an agrument so I usually just

There really isn't way to argure or bargain someone into liking you romantically. Romance isn't a transaction.

BC is libertarian but left wing. Culturally its similar to Oregon, Wash. state and Northern California.

Not all of them. Harper ran and hid under his desk wothput making an effort to help anyone else.

Penis: Dick, rod, johnson

If the AV club can't be bothered I will: It's pretty damn good, but maybe not as masterful as Decoration Day or Southern Rock Opera(few rock albums are). "Shits Shots Count" and "Grand Canyon" are the show stopping classics. Its the only album in the Truckers discography in which Mike Cooley sings most of the songs

Or you write trade tickets and earn more money. These days an unrestricted drivers license and a workplace first aid certification is more valuable on resume than a bachelor degree.

Take a hike you &**()ing hoser!

Eric's Trip for me. The guitars sound like a fucking hurricane.

My introductory SY playlist:
The Empty Page
Teenage Riot
Kool Thing
Sugar Kane
Eric's Trip
The Diamond Sea
Little Trouble Girl
Unmade Bed

If provinces can play then I shall I nominate "Sovereignty" by Japandroids, "Maybe Sparrow" by Neko Case and "Littlest Birds" by The Be Good Tanyas for British Columbia. .

One of the ways he shows his age.

Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy is the one book I keep coming back to and it has had one the biggest influences on my world view of any piece of pop culture. It's nihilist a in very positive and playful way; it poses the idea that there are no real answers or solid truths but universe is a wonderful and exciting place