El Marco

Its the most watched item on my Netflix because of my 5-year-old step-daughter. I will admit it's not as inane as most kids show.

I thought Taylor Courtney came across as worse. Newcombe came across as mentally ill.

I think Joel Gion and Peter from The Dandy Warhols came across as likeable.

One the things that I find hilarious about Dig! is how Courtney-Courtney came across as a total douche and still agreed to narrate the film.

@avclub-179660b116d4c91e09eaaf77a7fc8fdd:disqus I was disappointed in how season 5 dropped two many plot lines from season 4.

Season 4 is just so emotionally intense that the detached satire of Season 5 doesn't feel as climatic as it should.

I think the script alone for The Big Lebowski qualifies as perfect.

Well, that's like your opinion, man.

I'm sure I'm not the first person on this website to say this but 'The Wire' is unbelievable.It builds upon it self so beautifully and shows how social systems will always be hampered by human greed and incompetence better than any other cop show ever.

High Fidelity; One the most clear eyed and pragmatic look at relationships in Hollywood history. It's one of the few romantic comedy's that acknowledges that happy endings and perfect relationships don't exist, but they are still totally worth effort and frustration. The book is excellent as well but I perfer the film

Top 15 Wilco Songs:
I am Trying to Break Your Heart
Sunken Treasure
At Least That's What You Said
Cars Cant Escape
The Whole Love
Impossible Germany
Muzzle of Bees
Via Chicago
Jesus Etc
Nothingsevgoonastandinmy (Again)
Remember the Mountain Bed
Always In Love

Cars Can't Escape is one of Tweedy's best songs period. Amazing chord progression.

I think Wilco being dropped from Reprise probably had more to do with record label mismanagement and incompetence than YHF itself.

One of the things I love about Wilco is how malleable their songs are and how different they sound from bootleg to bootleg.

Bought and Sold and Furnace Room Lullaby of off Furnace Room Lullaby
I Wish I Was The Moon of off Blacklisted
Maybe Sparrow and At Last of off Fox Confessor
Magpie to the Morning, I'm an Animal and the title track of off Middle cyclone all bring me to tears. She has such an amazing discography.

"The Whole Love" has a great beginning with "Art of Almost" and "I Might" and ending the title track and "One Sunday Morning".

'I Will Dare' and 'Favorite Thing' at the front of 'Let it Be' and '16 Blue' and 'Answering Machine' at the end.

Red Red Meat's 'Bunny Gets Paid' has a great one two three punch. 'Carpet of Horses' is a mostly acoustic slow build that breaks into 'Chain Chain Chain' a melodic mid-tempo rocker and then Rosewood, Vox, Stax and Glitter' blows out your speakers.
'All My Friends Are Funeral Singers' by Califone has a great opening

I am Not Afraid of You and I Will Beat Your Ass has a the wildest YLT one-two punch with a 10 minute noise stomp followed by polite little pop tune.

'Radio Free Europe' and 'Pilgrimage' off of 'Murmur'.