El Marco

It's much more difficult to find actual pure cocaine these days. Doctors offices don't really use it as local anesthetic anymore. Most coke nowadays is baking soda and meth.

The only similarity between coke and MDMA is that the are both cut with crystal meth and laxative.

I've netflixing Freaks and Geeks and Futurama with my GF's kid.

I played Jeff Tweedy bootleg for a GFs 12 year-old and it annoyed him. But he likes Shrillex.

My dad used to sing Space Oddity horribly and to this day I cannot listen to that song.

I'm surprised I haven't seen Talking Heads yet. My partners plays them for her kids and my dad played them around me and my sister when I was little. Burning Down The House, Once in a Lifetime and This must Be The Place are great songs for kids.

Both Japandroids albums are classics.

Hells yeah on Lonesome Crowded West!

Speaking of Neil Young I'm surprised I haven't seen Tonight's The Night.

Sequence Ok Computer and In Rainbow together like so and you have the best alienation and depression album of all time (although they are perfectly amazing albums on their own):
15 Step
Paranoid Android
Subterranean Homesick Alien
Exit Music (For a Film)
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
Let Down
All I Need

Outkast is one few Hip hops that make albums instead of singles and filler on a CD. College drop and MBDTF by Kanye flow together pretty beautifully.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot and Summerteeth by Wilco
Emergency & I by Dismemberment Plan
Funeral by Arcade Fire, Apologies to The Queen Mary by Wolf Parade, You Forgot it in People by BSS
Southern Rock Opera by the DBTs
and of course Dark Side of the Moon

Past masters on cassette tape were my introduction.

The Hip are more of bar band but both Gord Downie and Michael Stipe have similar voices and lyrics.

I got my partners 5 year old daughter to dance to Sleater-Kinney's Dig Me Out the other day. Hopefully it will knock the Disney princess crap out of her young impressionable psyche.

@nummymuffincookoobutter:disqus Last night she did admit that "Hey Ho" song is starting get on her nerves.

6 or 7 seasons would be a good run for 'Girls'. I hope the producers and writers work with the passage of time and follow the characters into their late 20s and early 30s.

Remake albums tend to be kind of awful bu this one is pretty interesting. The Shonen Knife take on "When You Sleep" is great and "Loomer" is one of the few dubstepy (dubstepeqsue?) songs that I find actually listenable. "Sometimes" and "To Here Knows When" Are both pretty mindblowing.

Cat Power (Can't Get No) Satisfaction.