El Marco

I think The Strokes are heavily influenced by Television and some Talking Heads. However they cannot pull of synths and poly-rhythms nearly as well the Talking Heads.

Is This It and Room on Fire are classics. First Impressions of Earth was dull and bloated but it had its moments like You Only Live Twice.
Angles was interesting because it could of been pretty great album if they hadn't made some truly awful production choices. 'You're So Right' sounded like two songs being played at

This sounds like Thom Yorke singing over the theme for Final Fantasy 4 or somethin' and not in good way.

Yeah my girlfriend s obsessed with it… doesn't find it grating after the 150th listen.

The big difference between a major and a minor scale is the 3rd note and the 7th both of which will be a half tone flatter in the minor scale. If one is playing an A major scale the notation would go A B C# D E F# G# and the spelling of the A minor melodic scale would be A B C D E F# G, note that C and G notes are

Surely not as punchable as Zach Braff's noxious mug?!

There are labor jobs available for young men, but so many guys in their 20s have no idea how to do basic labor or they are completely out of shape.

It's one the best jokes in the pilot. It really spoke to Hannah's delusions of grandeur and self delusion.

One of the main themes of Girls is how emotionally stunted, entitled and self absorbed young people become if they are economically or socially privileged.

Green arrow is unbelievably gorgeous.

I have ADHD and I find it pretty manageable even without medication, I just have a really random sleep schedule and some minor memory issues. Something like BPD or schizophrenia or moderate to severe autism is obviously much more debilitating.

@avclub-c156902f5b20b572848be18c11634dfb:disqus I'm a Canadian politics nerd, I know the feeling.

@avclub-78c86aa171e1ab86948a7e10c471fc63:disqus Nice to know that my efforts were appreciated. Now go die a lonely virgin.

She seems liking a lovely young woman who I'd like to ask out for coffee in some sort of stammering backhanded way. 

Ingrid Bergman, you're so perty

There's a difference between having shit luck and having a victim complex.

*Plays "My Heart Bleeds For You" on minuscule violin*

@avclub-c26473f2f4772a2a52e4690515ce6e75:disqus Rod Brind'Amour is from my home town and everything here is named after him. Hockey is the single biggest cultural force in Canada.

@avclub-c26473f2f4772a2a52e4690515ce6e75:disqus Rod Brind'Amour is from my home town and everything here is named after him. Hockey is the single biggest cultural force in Canada.

The technical term is 'Mulatto".