El Marco

I think people feel uncomfortable around shy people because they feel that person is rejecting them or that person is uptight or psycho or whatever. 

Ooops, I'll throw in I Heard You Looking.

Nerd is an incredibility broad term. I'm shy and intorverted but my only nerdly leaning are music and film and that I read a lot. Videogames and comics bore me for the most part and I only have casual interest in science. 

Eye contact is a social cue that requires tack and subtly. Too little and you appear meek; too much you appear overly aggressive.

There are so many learning disabilities and personalities disorders in the DSM 4 that most people could be diagnosed with at least one disability or disorder. It's a means of pharmaceutical profit and means of denial of personal responsibility for ones own actions. Not to say there aren't people who are need of

Misogynist nerds?! That's unpossible!

Misogynist nerds?! That's unpossible!


Nothing worse than a white guy with a victim/persecution complex.

Way too many people nowadays diagnose themselves as ASD to excuse their lack of social skills.

He did pretty good with the green party in aught one.

Joey Shithead nearly accidentally kicked me in the head once during a show. 

I am a fan of Girls. I think it's funny, smart, well acted, written and directed piece of television. I get how the characters could annoy someone because the characters are sheltered, privileged, immature and infantile, but that's the theme of the show.

Louis CK strikes me more as writer/director than an actor, he always seems to be playing himself.

I Heard You Looking is amazing.

10 more
Green Arrow
Little Eyes
Did I Tell You
More Stars Than There Are In Heaven
Deeper Into The Movies
By The Time It Gets Dark
My Hearts Reflection
Last Days Of Disco
From A Motel 6

It really reminds of 'And Nothing Turned Itself Inside Out'. It's really languid and textural and hypnotic and slow in a oh-so sexy way.

Top 5 Yo La Tengo Tracks:
Story of Yo La Tengo
Blue Line Swinger
Deeper into the Movies
Tom Courtenay
Big Day Coming

One of my all time favourite bands. Ibi dreams of Pavement, Almost Crimes, Anthems For a Seventeen Year Old Girl, Superconnected, Cause=Time…. so many great songs.

Their self titled album is pretty great, it balances out their pop sensibilities with their noisy experimental streak. Ibi dreams of Pavement, 7/4 shorleline and it's all gonna break are all amazing songs. I didn't really care for Forgiveness Rock Record but Sentimental X's is a great song. Do Make Say Think have some