El Marco

@avclub-0d4efaa2c9d1041eb9b8b5319eec8531:disqus You're acting like Girls is the first show in the history of television to lampoon white people in New York obsessing over frivolous and trivial aspects of day to day life.

@avclub-985d212e6afdce1ea7dc206c8d1963a1:disqus  Forgot about that one, but it does play into supported by parents theory.

I think you're missing the irony and satire of Girls. The characters are meant to be terminally self involved in negative way.

There have been a few jokes and lines of dialog hinting that pretty much every single one of the principles is supported by their parents. Marnie and Jessa are trust fund kids and Shoshanna is probably on student loans or a trust fund. Adam seemed to find work as carpenter which is a high paying gig and he probably

Girls is a very self deprecating show; the writers and directors and
actors are satirizing privileged twenty-something self involvement, albeit in an empathetic way. And since are privileged white people in NYC an under-represented demographic?

The problem with depicting computer and handhelds on TV and film and that it is difficult to make make people typing and staring engaging or interesting.

Didn't Peggy Noonan call the Simpsons one the greatest examples of family values on television?

Didn't Peggy Noonan call the Simpsons one the greatest examples of family values on television?

Moonrise Kingdom is definitely one of my favourite Wes Anderson Movies. His meticulous and mannered style does benefit and underline the young adult fiction theme in the movie and I love a lot of the shots look like live action children's books illustrations. .   

BC ships aboot $7 billion of ganga to america every year.

They should of preformed 'No Cars Go' or 'Rebellion (Lies)'.

Watch In the Loop you F**cunt

In the land of truth
the man with one fact is king

Godspeed You Black Emperor! were an experimental/sound art collective not a rock band.