Dr. Gnu

We3 will make you cry.

I was deeply annoyed that none of the plumbing problems he confronted could actually be solved by tightening a slip nut.

I was still in college in my 30s.

Is this like the new KFC chicken sandwich? Or is the chicken actually between the bread? Because I'm having some trouble with my visualization.

I really wanted Peter to loudly go "Beep!" when Olivia was sticking the batteries in his chest.

Watching Ether swab down Olivia's chest….

Amherst Perrier.

First attempt at trolling - be gentle
The thing about the Dark Tower books, the thing that keeps puzzling me when I think about their success, is how badly written they are. Written-by-a-13-year-old bad. Written-while-stoned bad. Written-without-an-editor bad. Doesn't that puzzle anyone else?



It might not be bad if based on the book, and was music-free.

I'd thread her spam.

She seems like she'd be really sweet.

I think it was cyclic AMP that was being drained from cells.

It's from Robert Burns, man! And ancient English folklore.

When you're running someone over who's in a wheel-chair, how do you hit that sweet-spot that's somewhere between actual death and not-close-enough-to-death-to-trigger-a-flash-sideways?

You are correct, sir.

Not if they try to do it at the same time, like keys on a manual typewriter.

And Minkowski watches and smiles strangely.

"Limo confidential," where various couples from Lost have sex in the back seat.