Dr. Gnu

Perhaps both OT and the alternaverse depict realities out of balance - one in favor of Jacob and one in favor of MIB. The 'bleeding' of the two realities at the end represents a balancing of the two, in a third reality where all is right with the world. And Kate is dead.

He doesn't have to kill them - his flash of OT didn't come from almost dying, it came from a confluence of senses that matched an event in the OT. If Desmond does indeed know the OT and what happens to the 'candidates' there, he just has to try to recreate some important elements of an OT experience for them. Like,

It was most definitely better when it was called "Hot Tub Anal Adventure 3."

I mean it. The unsettling Transformers 3 casting was one thing, but this is just beyond the pale.

It's is truly impossible to overstate the amazingosity of seeing, in the pre-cable 70s, tits on PBS.

Or maybe it hasn't been said because it will turn out to be the name of a character we know, so they don't want to give it away yet.

I think The Booby Trap would be a great new ride at Disneyworld. "You must be This Immature to ride."

John Michael Higgins, Jeffery Wright, Dan Brown, David Foster Wallace, Bill Amend

Sir Smokes A Lot

Favorite Kinky quote
(Which I'm sure he stole from someone else)

Typical AV club Reference to bald man
on Fringe, relating it to Hitchcock cameos.

Ou est le biblioteque?

In this case, it seems more like americans in paris taking French culture way too seriously.

My Japanese friends were highly impressed with my ability to eat more than one bite of natto. I kinda liked it because at the time it reminded me of a strong cheese, and I hadn't had cheese in months.

Ha! Just kidding! I won't be.

I'll be in my bunk.

I think there have been about 4 issues of The Unwritten since you last reviewed the first trade volume. You really should be reviewing that.

"The fake-out shocks and cheap jolts"
This is exactly what I find so boring in modern horror movies - "cued tension, sudden loud noise (which you thought was going to be the scary thing, but wasn't!), quiet beat, quiet beat, quiet beat, ACTUAL SCARY THING!" Yawn.


Buzz buzz.