
I am a slightly biased former Bay Area resident (the Warriors mostly sucked when I was there; the Baron Davis playoff run was a couple years after I left), but man, the Clippers players are a bunch of douchebags! Everyone in the NBA seems to want to fight Blake Griffin, and it's pretty clear why—did you see that

"Don't look so perplexed, why must you be vexed, can't you see you're next? Yes, you're next. You're so next."

The ending of the first run of Futurama ("The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings") was arguably the best episode of the show. The last 30 seconds are perfect.

I haven't seen the Wire in so long that I think of that guy as the voice of Home Depot.

Best non-recurring character ever? I say Old Man Waterfall. Maybe my favorite line in the entire series (aside from most of the lines in the finale):
"You can crush me, but you can't crush my spirit!"
(gets crushed)
"Owww, my spirit!"

Oh, you've got that too? I think there's a rash going around!
Oh, I can't help you play better than Tiny Iota. That guy was great.

"Jurassic Bark" is actually not a very good episode…until the last two minutes.

Off the top of my head, Stevie Wonder in the '70s comes to mind. Talking Book, Innervisions, Fulfillingness' First Finale, Songs in the Key of Life.

1. Moving Pictures
2. Signals
3. 2112
4. A Farewell to Kings
5. Presto

@avclub-dc10fce584f2cdf09d6690e0f2883227:disqus You are history's greatest monster.

"Do not touch Willie." Good advice! (cranks thermostat)

Oh, Mr. Tusks! I should call the police. You're so cute it's illegal!

My girlfriend keeps saying she's addicted to chocolate, and it really annoys me. So finally I took her downtown and showed her a crackhead. And I said, "Look, honey. Why can't you be that skinny?"

I would definitely agree with The Dead Zone. And also every short story collection. Really, every one. And before any of those: the Bachman Books. Those are amazing. There was an old fat paperback edition with all four novellas (Rage, Long Walk, Roadwork, Running Man) that you should be able to get your hands on. The

1. Babylon Sisters
2. King of the World
3. Doctor Wu
4. Peg
5. Dirty Work
6. Barrytown
7. Home At Last

1. Aja
2. Katy Lied
3. Gaucho
4. Countdown to Ecstasy
5. The Royal Scam
6. Pretzel Logic
7. Can't Buy a Thrill

Look! Someone's attractive cousin!

@avclub-7656b560c7e180f8e0d84ca82ac0d8b7:disqus Just what was Rabin's problem with the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem anyway?

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