
My girlfriend and I were watching Barton Fink and she fell asleep after the first 20-30 minutes. Not that I could blame her, really. So then I watched the rest of the movie and she woke up and asked me, "So, did anything happen?"

We are free and barely sober
With so many toys to build
The machines are kind of tricky
Probably someone will be killed
But we gladly work for nothing
Which is good because we don't intend to pay
The elves are back to work today

After all the discussion of the Robot Devil's voice, I'm surprised it wasn't mentioned that the Robot Devil is voiced by…Dan "Homer Simpson" Castellaneta!

Seriously, this is one of my favorite TV episodes of anything, ever. Such a perfect combination of humor and emotional heft. While "Jurassic Bark" has that pang in the last minute, the bulk of the actual episode is not that funny. So hard to do both so well at the same time.

Uh, "She's Leaving Home" is awful. Those other two songs are "Paranoid Android" compared to "She's Leaving Home."

@avclub-6b8aa777ed70e7f15a45947a0f0c5986:disqus: you're also missing "Rocky Raccoon" and two Chuck Berry classics: "Rock and Roll Music" and "Roll Over Beethoven." Truly you are history's greatest monster.

Verne Lundquist is terrible. I believe it was Josh Levin at Slate who skewered him recently, and he was dead right.

The introduction of Nice Pete makes me giggle uncontrollably every time I read it. The character was pretty crappy afterward, but his monologue in the jail…perfect. http://achewood.com/index.p…

Nilsson's version of "Beehive State" is pretty awesome.

Am I the only one who giggles every time he hears the line in Someone Saved My Life Tonight about "just a pawn outplayed by a dominating queen"?

How cocky do you have to be to write from the perspective of a character who's been given a drug that increases his language and verbalization skills, and narrate his thoughts as the drug kicks in, and actually fucking pull it off without sounding stupid?

Speaking of Furrillo: I thought Hal's essay on Hill Street Blues in Infinite Jest was pretty damn good, but I wasn't sure what I was supposed to take from it about Hal's character. It was like: "here's a cool thing that I, David Foster Wallace, wanted to say about Hill Street Blues, and I'm putting it in the mouth of

Yeah, my one-year-old kid picked up on that pretty fast. Didn't even have to tell him what to do. He starts to stand up and then he's all, "yeah I'm going to walk around in just a sec, but something about this feels…right…ok done."

This one's for the Molokai cops.

This one's for the Molokai cops.

It played over the closing credits of a Sopranos episode as well. I believe the tidings from New York were not so glad.

It played over the closing credits of a Sopranos episode as well. I believe the tidings from New York were not so glad.

I always thought "Until the Night" should have been on this album. Now that is a great retro Billy Joel song.

I always thought "Until the Night" should have been on this album. Now that is a great retro Billy Joel song.

I believe I've passed the age of firstiness or cancer-aids. I found that just replying was a noble fight.