Some Kind of Ironic Hipster Na

2^64 is a staggeringly big number. If you downloaded the video once per second, it would take half a billion years. If you spread the bot over many different computers, you might be able to speed that up, but then you'd basically be DDOSing Youtube, which I can't imagine they'd like very much.

I guess signed integers introduce a certain level of redundancy, since if the integer rolls around to negative you can easily determine it's an error, whereas if it rolls around to zero you actually have to go through a little more logic to realize that's not right. Also what J to the ROC said.

Eric Stoltz needs to be in a reboot sidequel of Back to the Future.

I'll say this: I can easily imagine Charlie Day with a pet penguin.

Your opinion is wrong.

Liking extremely popular franchises that make hundreds of millions of dollars is what nerds do now. If you like obscure or intellectually challenging works that makes you a hipster.

Also, Fran is totally cute.

Yes, and?

It's called Tim and Eric's Bedtime Stories.

Just put Mulaney on the show; he has a very Bob's Burgers kind of voice.

Parallel to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, New Line doesn't actually have the rights to The Silmarillion. J.R.R. Tolkien sold the movie/merchandise rights to The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, but everything else has been held on to by the Tolkien Estate.

I don't have much of a problem with stores like that stocking Christmas stuff early. It's a big store, they sell lots of crap, they can afford to have some shelves with Christmas decorations early. And arguably, people should be able to buy Christmas stuff before the holiday season begins, so they can be prepared for

Kirk Cameron recently got in some trouble with a few of his fellow fundamentalists by saying that Christians should proudly celebrate Halloween, claiming that it was invented to mock Satan. His fellow fundamentalists rightly pointed out that it's really more of a pagan thing, and even if you want to talk about All

RedLetterMedia calls it nonmedy.

Rachel Dratch played a bunch of guys on SNL too. And Amy Poehler played Dennis Kucinich.

Eh… kinda? There are presumably everyday tasks Peter Dinklage finds more difficult than most people. It definitely gets into the whole socially constructed nature of disability, though. He's a "freak," but that's not really the same thing.

Andrew Dice Clay, perhaps not. But I can very easily imagine Sesame Street having done a parody of Unbelievable by EMF.

Eh, just give a man that cake. It just makes it lazier.

Eh, one of the big pushers of the "Obama is an anti-colonialist, which apparently is a bad thing" meme is Dinesh D'Souza, who was on the record as a defender of colonialism years before Obama hit the national stage. The real explanation is that some conservatives just have really peculiar pet issues, and attack people

People constantly make this joke and it is stupid, but if Pixar decided to shock everyone and make an R rated movie… that could be very interesting.