
"Pussy popped Love out of the main drag?"

badwolf359 having access to the "internet" is the very epitome of literally the only problem in my life.

Hey, after the first couple of times you get stuck with a hotel bill that charges you for soaking their mattress through with lady juices, I'm sure you'd want to start traveling with your own too..

"I took a few good licks, but I came back at him harder than ever."

Yeah, "clickbait" to me was always analogous to newscast teasers that would say something like "Something in your home is slowly killing you… we'll tell you what it is at 11." But lately I've been seeing people use the phrase in reference to any single headline that prompts a response in them whatsoever. Multi-cellula

Wait, who got sprayed with seltzer?

"I hear you, Lord, and I'm in the way of doing your will, but I don't much like it"

The A.V. Club

As an aside: Why has the go-to response to people you disagree with become an accusation of "trolling"? Trolling is a specific thing, and it doesn't mean "someone with a different opinion than me". I assure you, I am not trolling. I do actually believe the things I'm saying.

Look, I get it. You sunk 6 years of your life into a show that screwed you over. You're bitter and need to justify all that time you wasted somehow, so you come up with some wacky idea that maybe it was the characters that made you like this show so much in the first place, ignoring the fact that, with a handful of

Oh, yeah. Forgot that one. Oh, and:

Jack - Doctor with daddy issues
Kate - Criminal with daddy issues
Sawyer - Criminal with daddy issues
Sun & Jin - Foreigners with daddy issues
Claire - Pregnant with daddy issues
Locke - Wheelchair with daddy issues
Shannon and Boone - Boring with daddy issues
Walt - Magic with daddy issues
Michael - Useless with

I don't even think I have issue with what the finale was, my problem is all the things the finale wasn't. Really, the last 2 seasons seemed like a desperate attempt to cover up a whole lot of unsolvable problems caused by insanely shitty writing. I was heavily invested in the show during its initial run, and spent

"To call it an anticlimax would be an insult not only to climaxes but to
prefixes. It's a crummy secret, about one step up the ladder of
narrative originality from It Was All a Dream. It's so witless, in fact,
that when we do discover the secret, we want to rewind the film so we
don't know the secret anymore."

No, but it can re-define everything that came before it. I don't feel like rehashing a beaten to death argument, but I tried rewatching LOST over the past year, and when you already know the narrative arc, you realize SO MUCH of this show is frustrating dead ends and cop outs and meaningless horseshit. I think as

Holy shit do I love the idea of pizza by weight.. "25lbs of meat lovers please. Fuck no, I don't need a chair, I'm eatin' this shit standin' up!"

La Pasadita serves Kool-Aid now?

I have a hard time taking this list seriously considering that Chipoltay isn't even on here. If they don't make the best burrito in the world, why are there 3 of them within walking distance of my sorority? And don't tell me they aren't authentic or anything - I totally saw a Mexican-looking guy taking out the

For a few years in the mid-2000s I was the overnight manager of a grocery store. Sunday night was always the biggest delivery, with full-blown, drag-out work from around 10pm to 7 or 8 the next morning. When the truck would show up, I'd try to rally everyone with the

I think the reason that whenever there's shooting, it's not a good time to talk about guns is because it's usually too hard to hear each other. Over all the shooting.