
People who primarily consume music via streaming services are the Republicans of music appreciation.

The English, Americans, and Australians are hopeless pig-fuckers, serial rapists, and pederasts, but New Zealanders are mostly ok?

Whoa there, Percy Shelley, "not bad"'s pretty personal, flowery language, reserved for your Mother's cooking, or a eulogy. I think you'll find that the most effusive praise a Minnesotan would be likely to give would be a short, silent head nod.

I'm not a huge Paul Simon fan, but that episode was kind of revelatory after reading the SNL oral history and watching the 1st season box set. They really were winging it that first year, with only a glimmer of what became the iron clad SNL formula of the past 39 years. Probably wasn't sustainable, but I would love

Psshh.. speak for yourself. FAT GUY IN ROW C WORLD TOUR 2015!

I made a handful of mix cd's for me and my wife's reception so they could just be tossed in without anyone worrying too much about it. So the first song played was "I'm Your Man," followed by a strange mix of Neil Young and the Fugs and the Rezillos and a few hours worth of random stuff. Eventually as the afternoon

"Prudish businessmen mumble “Oi! Oi!” along with the Sex Pistols in their BMWs"
What Sex Pistols song contains the lyrics "Oi! Oi!" again?

Just wait until every single AV Club article is just an overlong sequence of cliched and awkward puns vaguely connected to the initial subject matter.

"This is a perfect example of the blatant, systemic racism that is all too prevalent in the white male controlled music industry. Who wrote this offensive garbage?"

Well if cars aren't for drinking in, why aren't there any laws against drinking and driving then, huh, neatnik?

Eh, the original is at least mildly plausible. It's the sequels, where a totally different shark carry out some sort of blood feud against the Brody family, including somehow tracking them from Massachusetts to the Bahamas, that starts to strain credulity.

"Jaws : Promotes the speciesist fallacy that sharks are unthinking predators. 0 stars."

He also played bass on a bunch of tracks on a Kelly Clarkson album too, apparently. But Mike Watt is on a lifetime pass with reincarnation privileges. I saw him a few years ago in St. Paul, and he walked through the crowd to get on stage 'cause he'd been sleeping in the van out front, and stuck around after his set

Seriously. George Hurley seems like Sublime's surfer uncle who would hook them up with pot. And Mike Watt was IN THE FUCKING MUSIC VIDEO FOR "WRONG WAY."

I won one of the 'Caption This' contests, using a burner account. The always promised the comment with the most votes would win some swag from their office, but after I won, no one contacted me or made mention of it ever. I want my official Ghost Dad can coozy goddamit!

tl;dr : not long;did read

If you heathens can't recognize that the majestic "Gu Cruise" by Summah's own Howard Kremer is the song of this, and every subsequent, Summah, you don't deserve the unending serenity and Summahtude of Night Beach.

Ron Funches is like Wesley Willis on helium, with giggles instead of headbutts.

And even then, I'm not sure the opinions on the guests are all that reliable. For instance, I wouldn't describe the brothers from last week's episode as "dour"; to me they seemed very self-aware and engaging.

No Want Put On Government Pants!