
spicoli323: Sir, you are drunk.

Sean O'Neal and the Elevator.

Thanks! It's in the liberal arts, so don't be too congratulatory, but on the plus side, I've never really enjoyed being employed anyway!

Maybe I just subconsciously internalized Obama's speech from earlier today, when he told everyone the first responders had cancerAIDS and they died in a fire.

Sorry guys. Just wrapping up a long-in-the-making graduate degree today, which naturally involves a fair amount of day-drinking. And reminiscing to a time when the first responders were the real heroes.

If Walter Matthau were still alive, I imagine his next starring role would be in "Oatmeal Spit-take."

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July 29th is also the release date of the new Werner Herzog Shout! Factory box set. 16 of his movies from the 70s through the 90s for the first time on Blu-Ray. That's gonna be an expensive day..

Holy shit. Never thought I'd see the day we became nostalgic for the ritual of putting a CD in a CD player. Can't wait until my daughter gets to tell her kids what it was like to go through the ritual of navigating file folders manually, with a cursor, instead of manifesting music with simple thought.

Good point. For some reason, I thought the whole track was on the short side of 30 minutes, which would be just barely doable, but 34 minutes on one side would be a waste. Fuck it. There's a pretty naturally occurring break in there to time a record flip.

Fair enough. And we are both in agreement that the rest of the album is fucking awesome.

Yeah, I'm just hoping Bring the Sun/Toussaint L'Ouverture gets one uninterrupted side. That song is an album unto itself. The track sequencing for The Seer on vinyl may have actually been better than the CD release in terms of building mood, but cutting 3 different songs in half kind of throws off the effect. Two

I'm not sure I agree with ya one-hundred percent on your police work there, Lou. Even for a band known for their dynamics, the tension and intensity of the build-up in that song is almost unbelievable. When the crescendo finally hits, its one of the rare moments of pure catharsis that truly great music is capable

I'm excited for my vinyl copy as well. I got the cd version sent to me yesterday for being one of the initial backers, and I've already listened through the album twice, once through Bang & Olufsen earbuds and once through my home theater set-up, but my record player has the output in my house, and this album needs

Oh, I agree with you there. When I saw them play at the Pitchfork festival, whatever year they played there, was one of the only times I've seen a singer create the feeling of a personal connection with a crowd of 20,000. And around that time I would occasionally send Darnielle random emails on random subjects which

I'm pretty sure he wasn't playing under the name Bright Eyes at the time, but I can't even remember why I was at that show and left halfway through after getting shushed multiple times. But I stand by my assertion that the fanbases are similar in their rabidness. I'm not sure what it is about socially-awkward,

Yeah, I've notice this too, the handful of times I've seen them play. There's a cultish adoration around certain artists like Darnielle that creeps me out a little. The one time I saw Conor Oberst had a similar vibe, and I couldn't even bring myself to go see Jeff Magnum because I knew it would the epitome of this

I initially misread that, and now I really want to see a modded version of Punch Out where you get to fight Ayn Rand.

I had initially liked this comment when it solely referenced Marty Robbins. I now see you have edited your comment to include Allan Sherman. Upvote Rescinded.

You guys forgot the classic Fats Domino two-fer: "Blueberry Hill" and "I Have Dismembered Multiple Corpses and Buried the Remains in Strategic Locations In and Around Blueberry Hill."