
I really hope they finally take my advice and start the offshoot 'The V.D. Club.' I've got some questions I could use answered.

I find every aspect of this both philosophically and aesthetically bankrupt.

Well, the one was a preemie, but the rest were all normal sized.

My wedding ceremony started with "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life. Electric word, life, it means forever and that's a mighty long time. But I'm here to tell you there's something else… The love between the two people you see in front of you today."

Spike Lee tweets RuPaul's home address.

Dre's verse is about how hard it is to rise up out of the problems inherent in poverty, and how his burgeoning success as a musician allowed him a respite from worrying about everything, but eventually you'll be confronted with real life again.

Well then I would be loathe to inform you that I have a daughter the same age who has yet to even sit through 20 minutes of this apparent phenomenon. She loved the trailer with the snowman and moose so much we could just watch it on repeat, but is bored shitless with the actual movie. Fine with me. Guess its back

Most importantly: these videos were shot in proper landscape ratio, right? Maybe this Matt kid just freaked cause he hates dumb black bars on both sides of hot, hot iPorn.

Except the gentle ones, apparently.

I've got a three year old, and lately I've been treating her like my boss. Which is to say, bending over backwards accommodating her every whim, and as soon as she's out of sight, muttering complaints under my breath and drinking myself into a stupor.

Pre-teen is the new zygote.


Damn you, Whit Stillman! I hate you, Whit! Freaking! Stillman!! Last Days of Disco my ass!

But the infidelity is just a symptom of the underlying problem, not the cause. The option of just being honest with his wife could be just as potentially painful as deceiving her. To conflate the issue somewhat, imagine that through accident or infirmity his wife was suddenly confined to a wheelchair. If he came to

Guess they'd be pushing 60 then. And if I was still fucking my first high school girlfriend 45 years later, it'd take a lot more than a couple hookers to get me through my retirement.

You may have missed the part of the letter which explains they've been married for 45 fucking years, which would probably place them around their 70s. It's very likely her sex drive is just gone, or so intermittent that it's causing this conflict. But he notes that the relationship is otherwise healthy and

I have inside information that shows your buttons are actually being pushed by a secret cabal of Lizard People and an anthropomorphic Swan.

Iowa's alright if you wanna get pushed out into a cornfield,
Iowa's alright if you like swine flu and corn mold,
Iowa's alright if you like Glenn Miller big band jazz,
Iowa's alright if you're a homosexual
(No, seriously it is you guys. One of the first state to legalize gay marriage.)

On my initial read through, I thought you were implying the guy who founded the Oneida nation was a racist. I was impressed your research managed to track down the progenitor of a whole race.

"How come when *I* get busted with pot, I have to go do stupid community service, but when a BLACK guy does it, he's 10 times more likely to get sentenced to a government-handout SOCIALIST jail cell…"