
This whole thing is pointless because it relies on Rotten Tomatoes. I get that RT was first, but I just don't understand why it is still the go to aggregate site in an internet where Metacritic exists.

Now I'm going to be disappointed if the movie does not include one of these as a cameo.

I'll be damned. Lego Family Figures.

"I'm 22, so when I started playing with Legos the Star Wars Lego craze had just started to take off"

Before the Lego men had arms and split legs, they had no arms and a single leg.

What you are describing sounds an awful lot like the figures from the Fisher Price "Little People" playsets from the 70s and not lego men at all.

I actually think you kind of revealed the spoiler. I didn't think anything of what was said in the review until you mentioned it was a spoiler.

Countless, countless hours spent having battles between the Spaceman legos and the Star Wars action figures. Thinking back, I kind of regret that the Legomen were always the bad guys, but they were so easily decapitated without risk of permanent damage to the toy. Gotta have a good death scene for the villain.

I can't help but laugh every time I see the bit in the commercial where Batman says, "Who is this Bruce Wayne guy? He sounds like a cool dude."

There are a number of 100 rated reviews for it on Metacritic. Some are comparing it to the best work by Pixar.

Molina was a terrible Lex Luthor. But Terrance Stamp nailed the hell out of Doc Ock.

Walk walk walk
Pick up a Reese's Pieces
Get abducted by Government man back to start screen
Walk walk walk
Fall Down Hole
Try to Float to top of hole but fall back down (repeat 8x)
Walk walk walk
Fall Down Hole
Try to Float to top of hole but fall back down (repeat 8x)
Walk walk walk
Fall Down Hole
Try to Float to top of hole

The Amazing Spider-Man 2: 2 Many Spidermen: Didn't the Original Spider-Man 2 Come Out 2 Years Ago?

Anyone paying attention would realize that Spiderman 2 was basically a remake of Superman 2, only lacking Gene Hackman's fantastic turn as Lex Luthor.

Coach being named "Ernie" is, of course, an homage to Cheers, in which Coach's real name was "Ernie Pantusso."

It always seemed pretty clear to me that the Devil kicked Johnny's ass in the contest.

Ok. I can see that difference. I saw the movie when I was 25. Honestly, by that point, it took a lot to truly scare me.

I was interested in the ghosts and the horror, but, aside from one visual inside the school (if I recall correctly), there was nothing horrific about the movie, IMO. It was basically an after-school. Be nice to the ghosts and the ghosts will be nice to you.

I agree that you can break down any movie into a simplistic summary. But your summaries are not analogous. To be so, your summaries need to be like this: