Winged Hussar

Blessed are the cheesemakers!

Yes, I can't wait to see how Sokka gets his space sword back!

The Red Priests are resurrection ships in skinjob form?

Best not to ask questions you're not sure you want to know the answers to.

*pours out bag of Beggin' Strips*

Split the difference, say he died dancing.

I agree, I'm really liking how they're handling Bran's plotline this season.

To paraphrase Dr. Bashir and Elim Garak:
"You'd stab a man in the back?"
"Well, it's the safest way, isn't it?"

True, but at the same time - Agincourt.

Short answer: Emilia Clarke has a REAAALLLLY good agent.

As a lawyer, I approve. Although, that does beg the question, what is the legal definition of death in Westeros?

25 year playoff streak, but eliminated in the first round yet again.

Or fight a volcano again.

Hodor? Hodor, hodor; hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor! Hodor

Once you chop off the previously on, the credits, and the after thing, I had it clocked at about 50 minutes.

I shall call you Myranda #2!

I don't care what the show is (but yeah, it's a separate continuity at this point), as long as the plot advances at an appreciable pace, I'm happy.

As Varys made clear this episode, he's a people person!

Wouldn't surprise me if he made an appearance in the "Finding Nemo" sequel. Just keep rowing, just keep rowing . . .

I'd just be happy with Book Shaggydog making an appearance.