Winged Hussar

Yeah, your folks getting murdered in front of you is incredibly horrible. But you do have to realize that there's an army of winterized zombies on the other side of the wall who want to eat your face, and every Wildling on this side of The Wall means one more soldier in your army and one less hellbeast on the other

Really good sword fight, but my brain couldn't help raining on the parade by asking "why doesn't anyone ever bring archers to these things?"

Yeah, I had two as well

"Nobody knows you out here, you could reinvent yourself as anyone. So why did you choose you?"


It was like a Family Circus cartoon. But with blood and watery dog shit.

This comment is on the tit.

"Wanna try yanking on the pipe?"

Man, that sounds kind of like that time I walked into a motel room full of seagulls.

Seriously, I've about a page and a half of them (double spaced). Anyway, here's the last three:

The voicemail sequence was fantastic. The characters boredly listening to what they should rightfully assume is just another elaborate Archer voicemail hoax with the contrast of the murder brawl audio was a great gag. Art error on Ray during that scene, white skin on the wrist with the glove

She gets fired for sleeping with the wrong man, and then she gets blown up for sleeping with the wrong man. It really sucked to be a woman in . . . whatever time period "Archer" is set in.

I hadn't heard she'd been ill. Glad she's on the mend, that woman is a national treasure.

Hemophilia/assassination, potato/potato murder.

The artist is a Zutaran? THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!

Shetland Sleepdogs?
Belgian Malin-yawns?
Scooby Naps?

Still one of my favorite "Archer" episodes. I also love the train episode from Season 3. What is it with me and episodes that feature outdated modes of transportation?

More random episode quotes, because why the hell not?

In several dozen charred pieces drifting around Paris. Barry and Other Barry, total shitbuckets.

Works for me