Winged Hussar

What? I thought we were going with Cyber Bird. But yes, that was a disappointment for me.

Checking in from the year 2017, I'm not sure that the Scottish thing (aka "Outlander") is considered brilliant, but it does seem to be fairly well regarded.

Does hoping he'd get eaten count?

Go over to the "Equinox - Part 1" and "Equinox - Part 2" Memory Alpha pages and check out Ron Moore's comments. It's little wonder he left Voyager as quickly as he did.

I'm game for that. Can we have pizza and margarita shooters while we do it?

Nog probably could have whipped up something to get them home as well. Hell, Rom could probably have done it as well. The man may be an idiot, but he does have some pretty good engineering chops. Although, thanks to Quark's cheapness forcing him to improvise for years, he'll probably end up wiring in a spatula and

Charlie don't surf.

Sparkle or Sparkly Vampire?

I really wish they'd try at least a bit harder at having the trailers match the movie. I got two horror movie trailers when I saw "Baby Driver," I'm guessing the idea was "it's an R rated movie, let's put all the trailers for the upcoming R movies in front of it!" "Brilliant!"

What can I say, I needed a pickle to compliment my reuben. If it's any consolation, he was delicious.

Personally, I just go with fire.

Blake's 7?

Shut up, Zoidberg!

Could be both.

I was totally into it. Very imaginative use of a rutabega and a kumquat.

Who do you think wins in a Blood Dome fight between Hunger Games Summer and Mad Max Summer?

It's out of most theaters around me, but it is still showing at the huge 30 screen theater that's around half an hour from me.

I agree. I think the competition is too strong in Best Visual Effects, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Director, and Best Picture for it to have a shot in those categories. Sound was a huge element in the movie, so I think it's got a good chance in those categories. It's a shame the Academy ruled "Arrival's" score

I get that this was a very competitive year for Best Lead Actress, but it astounds me that Amy Adams was snubbed given all of the other Oscar love "Arrival" got. Like you said, Amy Adams and her performance are the core of the movie, if that doesn't work then the movie doesn't work. She got a Golden Globe and a SAG