Winged Hussar

Check out the Japanese cut of the film.

"Arrival" was the best film I saw all year, I have not seen "Silence."

Yeah, when I heard Amy Adams didn't get nominated I was going down the list thinking "okay that makes sense, that one too, she deserved a nom, Meryl Streep for 'Florence Foster Jenkins?!' WTF?"

Gotta love the Academy's ruling on that.

Completely agree about Amy Adams and "Arrival." The movie doesn't work if she doesn't nail the performance.

I'm so happy to see all the love Arrival and Amy Adams are getting on the AV Club, such a beautiful and thoughtful film. I hope Amy Adams gets a boatload of awards for her performance in Arrival, but I'm not holding my breath. The awards voters love their big performances (LOOK AT HOW MUCH I'M EMOTING IN THIS

I saw "Arrival" on Friday, I loved it.

I am happy to report that $5.50 of "Arrival's" $5.6 million weekend take came from my wallet. Fantastic movie.

How about a movie about the making of "Casablanca?" Loads of people fleeing the Nazis (there were a hell of a lot of actual refugees in that movie), it's set in the Golden Age of Hollywood, features one of the biggest movies and some of the biggest stars in Hollywood's history, and it can glorify Hollywood for a

And I'd love to see her get it for "Arrival," that movie rides on Amy Adams's performance.

I loved "Arrival" and I'm very happy that it was nominated for Best Score and Amy Adams got a Best Lead Actress nom for it, the film depends on her performance. I would have liked for "Arrival" to have gotten more nominations, but I'm not sure I could justify it. If you take out questionable nominations in certain

Thank you, Jay Sherman

This reminds me of the story Louise Brealey told of taking the train back from shooting Series 4 in Wales with him and Una Stubs one weekend and spilling her wine all over his lap. He had to go change into his gym shorts because they were the only suitable garment he had with him.

I saw "Arrival" on Friday, I loved it. Best movie I've seen so far this year. No, not all of the science made sense, but it didn't have to. The main themes of the movie were language and communication and how do you live your life when you know certain things, and it explored those wonderfully.

I haven't seen "Hell or High Water" or "Manchester By the Sea" yet, so "Arrival" is the best film I've seen this year so far.

It's not just the demagogue on the internet, the movie was also taking issue with cable news as well. Specifically the negativity that Villeneuve appears to believe is endemic on it. Every newsclip we see covering information that's come out of a landing site seems to spin it in the worst possible way. The other

I'm not arguing one side or the other, I'm just trying to explain why some people could perceive Louise as selfish. Parsing the ethical ins and outs of whether or when it is right and wrong, or neither, to have a child based on what you know about their death is something I'm not remotely qualified to do. Leaving

While I thought "Arrival's" script was quite strong overall, the attempts at romantic dialogue, oy.

I saw "Arrival" earlier today, I've been thinking about it almost continuously since I walked out of the theater. Very powerful movie with some strong ideas, there's just so much to unpack about it. This is probably why I just spent a couple hours reading and responding to month old comments in the Spoiler Corner