Winged Hussar

I can't watch the end of that episode anymore because of how much it makes me cry. Regis isn't on in the mornings anymore!

Hush puppies, works every time.

I watched last season's finale off of the DVR earlier today, this felt like it had about the same amount of commercials. I didn't have a stopwatch on it, but it seemed like the standard 22 minutes of actual show.

Who's up for a "Magnum P.I." viewing party?

Wow, say what you will about cyborgs, sure can run good.

Two words: Mancy Drew

"Eat a dick, gravity!"

This episode leaves me wondering, where did Cyril get enough cash to start the agency? If Mallory put up most of the money, I can't see her NOT insisting having her name on it if she put in even a dime.

Didn't the mom say that he told her in her dreams that he couldn't go through with it? Maybe he didn't detonate his bomb?

Yeah, the parallel for me is the "It was in his head, or was it? Yeah, it was probably just in his head" angle.

I was thinking along slightly different "Simpsons" lines for most of the episode. Remember that bit where they're waiting for Itchy and Scratchy to get to the fireworks factory? The Lone Gunmen were the fireworks factory for me.

Agreed. I have a fever, and the only cure is more Skin Man!

They should've just done a whole episode from the perspective of Mulder on drugs. Solving a case that may or may not exist and the like.

Speaking of that sequence, what does it say about me that all of the people running around on fire immediately made me think of the "Police Squad" opening credits?

The good: Mulder's drug trip, some of the Scully stuff, the scene with Limbo terrorists mom in his hospital room, Mulder and Scully holding hands (Duchovny and Anderson still have astonishing chemistry).

Agreed, it is an interesting contrast. I think it speaks to the differences between Picard's and Sisko's characters as well as the differences between TNG and DS9. Deep Space 9 in its later seasons was really interested in exploring how the idealistic Federation would react when pushed to the brink. And Sisko has

I never made it to Season 5 of "Lost, "I quit way back in Season 1.

I'm going to build me a horse

They also did an episode about Scully giving the kid up for adoption

Also, it's cursed