Winged Hussar

Seriously? Has no one seen "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark?"

Oh, Val Kilmer Syndrome. Such a shame.

All I know is that Bills fans are in for at least one more year of disappointment.

I've been wondering how many drugs were in that champagne flute for the last hour.

The Tibetan numerologists of Appalachia will be so disappointed.

Speaking of "Nesei"/"731" - Instead of gunning down the Japanese scientist where he stood, they just blew up his work. Progress!

They really take public nudity seriously in New Mexico, don't they?

They were talking about the the return of "The X-Files" a bit on the Extra Hot Great podcast, and one of the things they were speculating about was that maybe one of the reasons why the serialization on "Breaking Bad" worked so well was because Gilligan was there for "The X-Files's" experiments with serialization and

Whenever I've rewatched episodes on Netflix, I've always been struck by how the show is really 90's.

I knew it! Canada was the real enemy all along! And they've replaced Mulder with a simulant!

That's just what THEY want you to think. The real secret government is Major League Baseball.

Wait, I thought there were only two movies? Did I miss something? Crap, I bet I'm missing time from an alien abduction. I'm so boned on my tax returns . . .

I'm in. There are a bunch of issues (the mythology still being a convoluted mess that bears no resemblance to anything that could even charitably called sense being one of the more obvious), but I'm in. It's just such a joy watching Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny play off of each other as these characters.



I just finished rewatching SF Debris's review of "Deadly Force." He's usually pretty on top of things research-wise, and he doesn't mention anything about the episode being banned. He says the parents groups that are usually up in arms about these kinds of things actually praised the episode.

What was his answer? Come on, don't leave us hanging!

I think I read somewhere that "Gargoyles" was Disney's response to the success of "Batman: The Animated Series," so that would make sense.

Per Memory Alpha, Ron Moore originally wanted to name the Defiant, Valiant. However, because Voyager was being developed at the same time they were creating the ship that would become the Defiant, the higher ups forbade DS9 from naming its new ship anything that started with the letter V. I wonder if those materials