Winged Hussar

Andrew Robinson is running USC's masters program for acting.

We need to bring back Flirty Cardassian Waitress as well. The comment section on those reviews was so much fun, I'm still mad work got in the way of me participating in the series finale comments.

It looks like he's mostly been doing theater work and voiceover.

Read the notes on "The Killing Game" over at Memory Alpha sometime, they flat out admit they did everything they could to not write for the character because they found him boring. If the writers found him so boring, it would have been nice if they'd taken one of the many resets the show did to reset the character.

Nog is my favorite example of this. In Season 1 he's a juvenile delinquent busboy working in Quark's bar, by Season 7 he's a commissioned Starfleet engineering officer (and promoted from ensign to lieutenant in the last episode) and war hero.

It's brief, but that's one of my favorite Sisko speeches.

If I might repeat our weekly refrain: Fuq you, Disqus.

Yeah, but to me that's damning with faint praise.

Maybe Sansa could get Theon a set of Neuticles as a thank you gift?

We may have to agree to disagree on this one. I don't think the show had to make that sacrifice. I think they could have had Jon decide to ride to Winterfell with a Wildling host to try to save Sansa and had that be the triggering event for the mutiny.

I'm not a "they deviated from the books, so it sucks" person, but I did prefer the reasons the books gave for the Night's Watch mutinying on Jon Snow than the show did.

Was that actually her, or did they digitally put her head on a body double?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure Mel will have resurrected him before the end credits of next season's premiere.

Jon probably should have emphasized that every dead Wildling meant one more demonic hellbeast assaulting The Wall and trying to eat your face a bit more to the other members of the Watch.

If I were writing the season finale I'd have Stannis kill Roose Bolton, then he and Ramsay stab each other to death. With the Battle for Winterfell in the balance, Davos shows up with reinforcements and wins the battle for the Baratheon forces. Stannis's will names Davos his heir, so Davos becomes king and rallies

Yep, Littlefinger's ambition trumps all else.

The rumor I heard regarding the magic behind Arya still being alive is that she's GRRM's wife's favorite character, and she's forbidden Georgy Porgy from killing her.

People who aren't sexually attracted to women? I am not one of those people, NTTAWWT.

I'm really interested in seeing what happens when Jaime gets brought before Prince Doran.

Either way, I think Littlefinger's ambition trumps all. Even if he had known everything about Ramsay, I believe he would have done almost everything the same. Whatever his fucked up thing for Sansa is, I think he still views her as a piece he's willing to sacrifice in furtherance of his own ends.