Winged Hussar

I think with Myranda it's more a compatibility thing than manipulation, she's just as batshit crazy as Ramsay is.

I could swear I saw an interview where he said he almost refused to film it because he found it so disturbing.

Yeah, the Sand Snakes were comically bad in that fight. Leaving aside the laughably poor fight choreography, how bad were their fight trainers? The fight staff turned Maisie Wiliams into a pretty convincing left-handed fencer (she's naturally a rightie) in between her having to perform in a pretty good number of

Diana Rigg - Her presence alone makes every scene she's in 900% better.

Not that I can recall

Yeah, both the Sand Snakes and Jaime had really bad "plans" tonight. And calling them plans is being really generous. "Amorphous idea" is probably a more accurate description.

Given the fact that we got a closeup of what looked like a fairly minor wound on Bronn, I'm really worried about what may have been on that blade.

Yay, the Sand Snakes did seem very ineffectual.

The HBO CEO of Ass lost it in a card game to the HBO CEO of 'uge Tracts of Land

I have to say, I really hope Ser Perpetually Cockblocked of Go Fuck Yourself Island, Champion of Rosie Palms, gets a flaming hand.

It appears the HBO CEO of Ass is an equal opportunity employer (for this episode).

"I'd clap, but . . ."

I can't help but wonder if they did a makeup test where they dyed her hair, but it just looked too unnatural so they decided to leave her hair as is.

Well, when a sorceress and a claimant to the throne want to kill someone very much . . .

In all fairness, he does know how to do that one thing.

Hey, we didn't actually see them get gruesomely murdered. They could have been gruesomely castrated instead.

Another thing that bugged me about the fight choreography was that when they saw they were surrounded, they didn't close ranks with each other. They're part of a force famous for their incredible discipline, you'd think they would have gone into a formation where they could have defended each other. Or at least

Benjen Stark is an autistic child and he's imagining the whole story in the snow globe he stares into for hours on end.

One where the mutton is nice and lean?

I really hope Kerry Ingram, the actress who plays Shireen, doesn't have to leave the show early: