Winged Hussar

Miracle Maex?

My read on that was that the Faith Militant was operating with Cercei's blessing, so the City Watch was letting them do whatever they wanted. That's why those two goldcloaks literally turned their backs in that scene.

I don't remember them ever going into detail on the exact metallurgy of the hand. I'd imagine the percentage of gold in the mixture could only be so much before they ran into problems casting it and having it hold shape.

That was a fantastic scene. And the girl playing Shireen did a great job as well, that smile.

If they replace him, my money would be on it being Ser Perpetually Cockblocked of Go Fuck Yourself Island, Champion of Rosie Palms.

Ser Barristan and Grey Worm, so are they completely dead or just mostly dead? I, I mean a friend of mine, just wants to know if we should summon Miracle Max or rifle through their pockets looking for loose change.

I kept waiting for him to use it as a weapon or shield. You'd think with his combat experience he would have figured out the big metal object attached to his arm could be useful in combat a lot sooner.

When are the Brazen Beasts going to make their appearance? Are there even going to be any Brazen Beasts?

He's not the only one

Poor fucking kid


Oh, Sansa. Even if everything Littlefinger told you in that scene was what he truly believed, oh, Sansa.

I wish it was clearer how strong the Vale is so I was better able to gauge its value.. It's armies are unbloodied, but I have no idea how many men they have in comparison to the other Westerosi powers.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The manuscript that became AFFC and Dragons would have been much stronger if it had been edited down into one book.

I like that the show keeps going back to the fact that in this world, where there isn't much in the way of institutions, power really rests in individuals. And that power disappears as soon as they're no longer around to exercise it. Tonight Roose made a point of explaining how diminished the Lannisters were with

Ser Perpetually Cock-Blocked

Remember Roose's line about power comes from forming alliances and then great power comes from compiling ever more alliances? I think that's what Littlefinger's plan is. Sure he already has the Vale and Harrenhall, but it would be even better for him to add the North to that.

Yep, he is a man who holds his ambition far above anything else.

Well, then I bet you're glad they didn't mention their games of "The Sword and the Boulder"

Anyone else remember when that kid was Billy Elliot in the stage musical*?