Winged Hussar

I don't know about that. She may want to flay him instead of hang him. You know, for the poetic justice.

Aye, captain.

So, 3.5 bundles of kindling out of 5?

I think this is going to go either really well or really badly. We're going to see Sansa as a master manipulator or we're going back to "Sansa desperately tries to stay alive while repeatedly getting the shit kicked out of her."

I'm assuming it takes some time for the dye to wear off. But my guess is the actual reason is they're holding back on making her auburn again until her wedding to make the scene more visually impactfull.

In case anyone wants actual ages to make their creepy/not creepy judgments, Dean-Charles Chapman is 17 and Natalie Dormer is 33, so 16 year age difference.

Ouch. Speaking from experience, Claritin can only do so much (I have similar issues with cats).

I do think the showrunners were having a bit of fun with the book readers, though. They've made enough changes that we can't be completely sure of ourselves anymore. And damned if they didn't have me going, I was legitimately worried that Jon wasn't going to chop off Slynt's head. Well played, gentlemen, well

That was the riot in King's Landing, right?

Take it up with the HBO CEO of Bush

Get out of my head!

I think he's into her. I just think he prioritizes his ambitions far higher than his other desires.

Pretty much. We're firmly in the stretch where they're demonstrating that ruling is hard and Danny has a lot to learn, so she's going to fuck up. But when you have that much power you only get so many fuck ups, especially when your subjects are this hostile and divided.

For me Jamie's Riverlands adventures served mostly to show how mature and competent he'd become, as opposed to the vain idiot he started out as. As well as acting as a counterpoint to Cersei's story, he's astutely making fair peaces with Lannister enemies as opposed to creating new enemies on a daily basis. I think

Hell, I once saw a guy in the newbies thread pitch a huge fit and fall in it over someone else's pure speculation. Somehow in his mind this constituted spoilers or he mistook something that very clearly wasn't spoilers for spoilers. I'm not sure, it was pretty stupid and I was only going to waste so much of my time

How can anyone get tired of Shenanigans? Their burgers are awesome!

Death by snu-snu. Tommen was overwhelmed his first night with Margaery. They couldn't get the smile off his face when they were preparing his body for burial, so he went down in history as King Tommen of the Eternal Grin.

It looks like they're compositing Arianne Martell into her character, so I guess they gave Arianne's hotheadedness to Ellaria.

I respectfully disagree, the parents who named their daughters Bella are the worst.

Rule of Film #12 - Things must be at least 30% more attractive than real life and/or the source material.