Winged Hussar

I'm with you on this one. I think 4th book in a series where the volumes are averaging 800 pages is a little too late for more world building. At least the way it was done in AFFC. I don't think the number of pages devoted to it were ultimately worth it. I didn't feel like I got much that I didn't already know

So I can remind people about SF Debris making fun of it for 20 minutes.

Hell, I miss the DS9 AV Club reviews, let alone the show. I'm still kind of mad that I was too busy with real life stuff the week the last one was published to participate in the comments.

Aww, Pigley

If he showed up as The Falcon, would that mean he was sworn to House Arryn?

That was my interpretation as well, but I'm sure my reading of the books colored how I saw that. In the books it's made very clear that Kevan doesn't respect Cercei because he knows her so well, not because she's a woman.

If Andrew Robinson is ever in a Game of Thrones cast announcement, I think that would prove your theory.

Personally, I think Garak is a closer DS9 proxy to Varys than Weyoun is.

How broad of a net are we casting? Are we talking main cast, recurring character, main guest star, had a line?

I'm trying to remember, when was the last time the show acknowledged Rickon's existence?

I would be so down for that (The correct answer to "Kirk or Picard?" is Sisko).

I love Shireen on this show. If they want to end the series by putting her on the Iron Throne, I would be all for it.

We're only two episodes in, I'm going to reserve judgment on the show's use of Ellaria for now.

I can't help but think a lot of that mess could have been avoided if GRRM's publisher had been able to convince or dictate to GRRM to cut the manuscript that became AFFC and Dragons down into one book. In my idealized version of the universe where that happens the fat gets trimmed, we don't have hugely important

And the books (I know, I know, basically a separate continuity at this point) made it really clear it wasn't a plant.

I'm interested in seeing if they even bother to include Tyrion's kidnapping. If I'm remembering the trailers for this season correctly, Tyrion is sitting next to Danny as a freeman on the dais at the fighting pit. If Tyrion does get abducted by Jorah, it looks like it will be wrapped up before the end of the season.

I agree about Penny not necessarily being that bad. For me it's another example that while AFFC and Dragons had good material, so many things just got dragged out for far too long.

I just wish we'd gotten to see his Flea Bottom Wildfyre Bum Fights before he got into something . . . darker.

I blame the Mad King mandating the maesters could only teach abstinence only sex ed for that.