

I tried the same thing, wookiee, and received the following:

Fake Danzig is great. I love the shopping and to-do lists.

That comma bugs the shit out of me too. Does nobody have a copy editor/proof-reader?

Cheers all around. Liked this show much more than I expected and another excellent write-up from Teti.


Donodou: Are you talking about "E Unibus Pluram: Television and U.S. Fiction?" That essay is awesome.

I laughed at "sustenance" too, until I got to "empty tank." That's some wizardry.

Huh, I didn't know he invented it so late. Now I'm perplexed too.

@ Lalso VII: The movie you are thinking of is "Gates of Heaven" and it is fantastic.

I'm with Kepler - "I'm Still in Love With You" is as close to a soul masterpiece as there is. RIP Willie, you have made my life much richer.

ugh *Which*

Yeah, I listen to Pandora at work too - I just assumed everyone else did the same. Shouldn't the question be, "What Pandora stations are your favorites?"

7. Mention your mother. This shows that you have a relationship with another woman. Wait, you haven't beat her yet, have you?

JVS: It seems to be working pretty well for them.

Clap Your Hands Say Yams

Spreadsheets are SO gen-X.

The "so-called" governor of the "so-called" state of Alaska was asked a "so-called" question by "so-called" interviewer Matt Lauer. The "so-called" response was "so-called" given "so-called" in a "so-called" ret "so-called" arded "so-called" "so-called", er "so-calledsocaoleseselsadle"

Dude, you should google it.