
I don't know if anyone has voiced this take on Gus' actions, but here goes.

Can you…
hammer a six inch spike through a board with your penis?

Your move, TLC
With the break-neck pace of news like this in 2011, Sean will simply have to start writing buzzkills again. Right?

In her defense she only needs *some* help.

Yeah, this totally bummed me the fuck out.

List time!
The Fall
Au Pairs
Public Image Ltd.
Belle & Sebastian

@37th Chamber: It is available for download and it is fantastic.

It's "Rent 2: Electric Bungalow"

a4#) I really enjoy the Peter King bashing.

"Christmas Card from a Hooker in Minneapolis"

Queen Bitch, the best:

Yes - I was straight-up humiliated last week. Ray Rice is killing my team - he can't even post decent numbers against the Browns.

I didn't even know that Joy Division isn't in the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame until just now. I am outraged! Thanks for ruining my day.

I would like to assert, with confidence, that Scooty Puff Senior is going down to One Dozen Rouges this week. This is the week where I start to turn things around. If that doesn't happen, I will start a fire sale next week.

I will confess and say that I enjoy Chumbawamba from time to time. If you get a chance you should at least listen to "Pictures of Starving Children Sell Records."

crap, forgot a 'juggalo' at the end.

Juggalo juggalo Juggalo juggalo juggalo juggalo Juggalo.

There's that fag talk we talked about.

This was another bit taken from a viral video.

"Mobs are ubiquitous in The Simpsons:
it only takes a tiny catalyst to transform a crowd from a band of angels to a bloodthirsty lynch mob and back again."