
Half-shark, half-octopus, all business.

Next stop…
Weekend Box Office.

I think they're still in the Melvins. I really like J & C era Melvins as well, so if you are in the minority at least you have company.

Where were you last year?
When I was lost in a sea of Funkadelic, trying to find my way in a mad, mad world - when I needed you most, AV Club.

Well then, I'm off to the bar.

I just saw P.O.S. perform a few weeks ago and he made a special effort to repeat the line, "I don't say [f****t], 'cause I don't think it's right." Talk about falling upon (mostly) deaf ears. But, at least he's trying to get people to think about the language they use.

Ooops, I guess I should clarify. 'Enemy' comes from the Latin inimicus and the in- prefix is negative. 'Worst' is a superlative meaning most bad or ill, err, I guess. It seems that your enemy (negative friend?) who is bad to the highest degree (worst) creates some confusion (at least to me). This seems like a

Okay, Rabin, I'll bite.
This issue has been on my mind for quite some time and DOOM's "Batty Boyz" really made me rethink the pervasive homophobia that Hip-Hop/Rap can't seem to shake.

I wouldn't wish Applebees' hotwings upon my worst enemy.

God yes. I felt bad for laughing - but I couldn't help it after the child-like delayed cry.

@AJR: BHoT is definitely worth a read. I found the material, while challenging at times, very accessible to the layperson. The Universe in a Nutshell is also pretty good.

Jesus, that was one of the dumbest/most confusing things I have ever heard anyone say. I really hate Fergie, but now I hate all of the BEPs as well.

"the little asian" successfully described every family function I attend.

I like Madden as a commentator, I didn't used to - but his painfully obvious comments are kind-of fun. That being said I hate most everyone on the MNF crew and stopped watching that crap because I can't stand them. The only crew worse is Joe Buck and Troy Aikman, god I hate those fucks. NFLN is pretty good though

@ Yeh: I have a Zizek question for you. How come whenever I lend someone a Zizek book I never see it again?

Um, I don't know how anybody who listens to Radiohead could create and/or participate in the "Hoedown Throwdown." How's that for a stereotype?

"I'd like to send this letter to the Prussian consulate in Siam by aeromail. Am I too late for the 4:30 autogyro?"

Obama smoke too…
It's like looking in a mirror.

"Of course I know who the Beatles are, you retard." - Kevin McDonald

So what now?
What the hell just happened? I guess I don't read People magazine often enough because I have no idea what that was about. In the words of Dave Chappelle: