
Jesus, between Redemption Song and Long Shadow that album is a sob-fest for me.

"Hey pal, did you get a load of the nerd?"

Stuff is so much better than things.

MST3K was great the first time I watched it because I was young and awkward. It was the first time in my life where I saw some people on TV with a sense of humor similar to my own. So, yeah, I see where mbs is coming from here. It wouldn't work for me today as it worked for me the first time.

Hell yes, London Calling for the first time again. By the time I got to Spanish Bombs I was completely exhausted from having my mind blown; then I heard Spanish Bombs and probably could have died happily right then.

I just put red and blue food coloring directly on my eyes. It's non-toxic!

Did anyone else…
get the advert with the football players and kids before the show? "Inactive activity"? Are you serious? Do people who work in marketing and/or advertising even listen to themselves?

Stocky, short and cocky
Look like Apollo Creed after he fought with Rocky
Rhymed in a broken English slang not Cockney
Thirteen his first queen walked hot knock kneed
Had to tell her pops, "Yo, stop cock blockin, B"

"Boom, a check falls in my lap."

Worst. Show. Ever.
Wow, The Today Show, you really did some serious journalism there. Holy shit! - you mean Madonna's daughter looks like Madonna! What are the odds? Maybe you should do an expose on how circles are round, or on how bachelors are unmarried.

Side effects are similar to sugar pill
Whoever go next on the mic he put a booger, ill
And made his exit on some calm shit
Begged 'em on the regular for kegs'o more vomitspit

Microwave Mayo
"His own way was strange but it matters not
Tuned in to a frequency tone that shatters rock
Hold it down like Shatner do Spock
Rapper jocks need to put a sock in their chatter box"

@ Steve Dave: "Once I saw 'Five Leaves Left' was VG and not VG+, I knew he was not the one for me."

Dating show for the rest of us?
Puh-lease. TV, you are forgetting several demographics for dating shows:

Zen Arcade blew my mind the first time I heard it and it is still an album I have to listen to all the way through to appreciate. NDR has some great single songs that can be 'plucked out' and not lose their - I don't know - 'essence' - I guess. But I have an actual story involving Husker Du and shuffle, here goes.

@ lexicondevil: I guess one man's filler is another man's content. The only song that doesn't really sit well with me on 'Songs' is 'If it's Magic;' although, props for 'Innervisions.' Also, 'All N All' is great. I completely forgot about Funk albums and how they never get their due respect. Respect.

I'm with fromoudr though, you 'guys' are assholes. If anyone wants to hear what you have to say they would provide a space, maybe at the end of the article or something, where you could write your comments, converse, share opinions, or debate. It would be like a special 'comments section' or something. But until

I always thought 'Double Nickels' was under-appreciated in punk circles. There was always someone willing to give you a copy of 'In my Eyes' but no one was pushing 'Double Nickels'. We really need to be giving our children that album.

No love for Soul/R & B?
Seriously, at least one of these needs to be on the list:

Is this where I get on the Marquee Moon bus?