
I see where Miller is coming from here though, all of the songs on that album are so good they could stand alone. I'm not disagreeing that "Plastic Surgery Disasters" is one of the greatest punk albums of all time (it is one of my personal favorites), but it just seems like a collection of really great songs, not a

First, I will second "It Takes a Nation…" Second, if you don't own Madvillainy, you should be punched in the face. I think almost any DOOM album deserves a full listen, especially the Viktor Vaughn albums. "Born Like This" seems to be one of those "start to finish" albums as well.

KMD's "Mr. Hood" is fantastic. I can't believe that album is almost 20 years old. Also, I think any MF DOOM album listens well start to finish. "Operation: Doomsday" still blows my mind along with "Mmm…Food?"

Is it just me…
or does everyone clap four times when they say 'clap three times'? I guess we have disneyfied arithmetic now.

I bet one might say that Zak Penley is claws-trophobic after this incident.

Phay El

The real question is…
will I still get Larry the Cable guy banner ads?

Model behavior?
I knew it was coming, but it still made me cringe.

I'm with mad here; that was an astounding amount of bullshit crammed into a few sentences. Although, perhaps everyone in business is a big Chomsky fan and they just like creating meaningless sentences [Colorless green…blah, blah].

"Long Shadow" by Joe Strummer. Gets me every time.

I've always been partial to "Let's Spend the Night Together" and "Bitch."

Mandy Mounds stars in "Milky Ways" - featuring I-da-ho Spud and Rod "Big Hunk" Jones.

"Bling blong, baby! It represents my lifestyle and stratus as a street-savvy irreverent youth who lives large yet hungers for the next level in life."