Fresno Bob

It's funny but that's the scene of the book that really got me to.  That goddamn pathetic dancing bear has to be one of the saddest things ever put to paper

This sounds a lot like Mercerism from 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?'

Thanks, Oliver.  I've been trying to come up with a name for my new band, "Thirteen Drag Queen Stink Eyes" it is!

I was cringing at Stealer's Wheel long before Reservoir Dogs came out.  Well, more Gerry Rafferty but still…

Well it is California. That shack will run you about 1.2 million in the right neighborhood in the Bay Area. 

Hell Comes to Frogtown.

That's one creepy-ass sounding baby you got there…

The whole scene with George trying to save the savings and loan by explaining the interconnectedness of capital (you're money isn't here, it's in Sam's house, and Sam, your money is in Bob's house) is a great mini-lesson in communal shared risk and shared profit. Potter is the Goldman Sachs of Bedford Falls.

Indeed.  The scene where she tells George that she wants her babies to look like him… Regardless of your feelings on children, how could you not want to impregnate that?

While you're there, check out the Prelinger Archives http://www.archive.org/deta… of industrial and institutional films from the 30's through the early 70's.  You can easily get lost there for hours.

The way I remember it, Irdial Records owned the rights to the Conet Project release.  They sued Wilco for using tracks without permission/attribution and won an out-of-court settlement.  Irdial's entire catalog is now open content and free to download.  Some of it's pretty interesting (some not).  The catalog

"He kept sayin' he wanted to get farther and farther out."
"Well, looks like he made it."

Oh, and, Uh, first… or something…

This sounds pretty awesome… Nothin' creepier than silent Scandinavian cinema.

Mr Tadakichi's been shot!

Agreed on the necessity of Townes and Earle.

Downhill Racer is a film. A pretty good one actually.

I believe the pic of Lincoln is from an episode of Bewitched.

I'll always be a fan of Rabid, myself. Marylin Chambers' bid for respectability in a non-porn role. She does get to have a nobby penis-like thing grow out of her armpit though.

Oprah is wrong.