Fresno Bob

While we're at it
Add Peter Delpeut's 'Forgotten Quest' to the list. He takes vintage silent film stock from the early 1900's and cobbles together a fake documentary about an antarctic expedition that ends up in hell. Beautifully done.

I can't be first…
So I'll be last with the long running eschatology site Rapture Ready (http://raptureready.com) Sure he only updates the index once a week, but if you visit the site regularly you'll start rooting for slight, arbitrary adjustments to the index based on upticks in Satanism, Unemployment, Tornadoes,

@mervelous Megumi

I just don't know that much about ya'lls people that's all…

Velvet Shake Machine
While everyone else I knew spent their summers smoking weed, getting laid, etc. I spent mine working at Burger King. I was into the Velvet Underground and I swear the shake machine would hum the viola drone in 'Heroin' whenever I needed to whip up a shake, I would sing along with the machine:

The Fugs!!! More Beat than Garage (more back of the bookstore than garage,too). Boobsalot, Supergirl, they were all kinds of great.

Nah, I lived there. Reagan in the White House, unemployment, some really bad music—poorly recorded, and AIDS paranoia and the chastity that went along with it. The weed, though everywhere, was homegrown and shitty.

He already wrote one (of sorts). 'I Need More' came out in the early 80's and was his story of his childhood, the Stooges, drugs, and a lot of detail on the size of his cock.

The silence of a falling star
Lights up a purple sky
And as I wonder where you are
I'm so lonesome I could cry

@La Pipe.

Secret Christian Sect/Knights Templar conspiracy books in inverse order of awesomeness:

For the greatest show ever gave

Talk about somebody getting a lifetime pass. The J & H guy deserves one!

Dolly Parton…. The Oak… Ridge Boys… Kenny Rodgers….

"I can has furburger?"

See, for a second I though we were talking about Brad Dourif because I wasn't paying attention. Now that I see it's Stephen I really don't care.

It's like 2001: A Space Odyssey goes downhill after the monkey part.

I got to agree with the Zodiac Motherfucker on this one. To be worried that a pop culture product from one culture will be properly appreciated by the provincials of another is pretty damn condescending. If people 'get it' that's fine for them and they'll have a positive and memorable experience, but if they don't,

Whatcho talkin' 'bout Taco?

I'm not at all funny
Actually I'm pretty staid. But I have to believe that, even when rolling out my Diff'rent Strokes Gary Coleman imitation alone in the mirror after a particularly hard night of drinking I'm funnier, and less pathetic, than this blackshirted scumbag.