P is for Psycho

So, from the tone of this review, it does not seem that this film contains a rag-tag troop of chimps attacking a larger and much more determine troop in order to expand their territory.  I imagine that showing these cuddly monkeys crushing in the skulls of rivals' babies and eating their brains really wouldn't play

Threw a knife into heaven, and could kill with a stare.

There's at least two.  The Russell Brand character just mentioned, and then also Benedict Cumberbatch.  Although, I seem to remember something about other British people existing.  Like Kate Middleton and her sister, Pippa.  Also, I suppose there might be non-famous ones, too.

He made love like an eagle falling out of the sky.

It's fap-worthy, but will it get them off?  (of their tractors?)

I thought of something else after Cersei "revealed" to Tyrion who was the spy:  What if more than one of them told her?
In that case, she would have heard the two (or three) different stories, and then she would get to choose which of the three men that Tyrion's wrath would be directed at.  It seems very likely that

I'd also like to add in Branaugh's full-length "Hamlet" to the list of Shakespeare movies better than Romeo + Juliet.

Star Wars Episode I:  The Phantom Menace is the most disappointing thing since my son.  And while my son eventually hanged himself in the gas station bathroom, the unfortunate reality of the "Star Wars" prequels is that they'll be around . . . forever. They will never go away.  They can't be undone. 

May I just say that I love the delivery that Shearer gives on, "It's the man in the bag!"

Ooooh, cut deep.

profdragon is correct, this movie is awesome.  From the awesome puppetry, the great score, the fantastic story, to the imaginative characters, still very cool.


Prophets don't know everything!

Drake will always be "Jimmy" to me.  The token black guy from the first few seasons of "Degrassi:  The Next Generation" who befriended an oft-picked upon boy, only to get shot in the spine by that same boy, who was eventually killed when Shawn wrestled the guy away from him and fired.

The blame can't go to baseball (or rain) as a whole, because many fine Baseball participants were quite done with their seasons by that point.  The blame clearly falls to the idiot Rangers who couldn't get the last strike, up 2 runs, TWICE.

Yeah, I finally got around to reading it, but it sucks; I couldn't get through he first chapter.  Don't buy this author's books.

George, you've got what you want . . . gif deez peepuh aih-ya!

I believe it was a boaking accident.

The one down the hallway?

I thought it was Shock the Monkey?