P is for Psycho

I had the exact same thought.

This just points out that Neeley didn't do any Wizard People for any of the six movies since Sorcerer's stone.

Seven easy words:

I think instead of seeing Cars 2 this weekend, I will watch Casablanca again instead.

Latter-day Simpsons (The other LDS) has also done a Lemon Party joke, via Mr. Burns. Mr. Burns is excited about the prospect of a lemon party and exclaims, "I call first squeeze!"

I'll try to be quick:

Of course, it is important to note that, when dealing with other men, it is clear that we need to deal with such questions (often used to attack rational selfishness) as: "Well, if it furthers my life to kill a man and take his property, then it is clearly a good, right?"

@Manley (aww, Manley):

@ ThisGuyRightHere:

Also, I will never argue the merits of the book based solely on recent (or historical) popularity.

For example, I read Ayn Rand. I have since I was in high school. Still pick up The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged every other year or so and read through some of my favorite parts. I am an Objectivist, and I am happy about that. I consider Objectivism to be the proper philosophy for living a good life in this

Slapshot quoting time:

Three boobs is great. Four boobs is better.

Batman's a scientist . . .

W, the winner tastes of cake,
A, the awesome crunch it makes,
F is for the filled-up nooks,
F is for the filled-up nooks . . .

Maybe one of these new Kardashians will be intelligent, and inspire us all with a charming, although up-tempo rendition of "New York, New York".

Is Plinkett set to review this?

He probably tapes himself sleeping or something. Paranoid? Maybe, but that one time you wake up with vaseline around your asshole and a huge headache you'll be infinitely grateful.

This news is depressing, but not altogether surprising.

. . . your fucking dog face.