P is for Psycho

Montypark, while your reference to the Simpsons in the first of your posts is indeed a reference to a very good episode, "The Twisted World of Marge Simpson", that reference has nothing to do with George HW Bush, or any president ever. The fact that you had numerous actual, legitimate HW episodes for a reference,

Excellent. Ftththththththth.
Exactly . . . heh heh . . . d'oh!
Es muy bueno.


Corn isn't a vegetable. Corn is a grain.


rev, I think you mean:

Goddamn senators and their fancy healthcare. We can't even pay our bills, and they're drinking, "Royal Crown Cola".

Stick around!

Inky blueness is good, but will it get them off their tractors?

We should ban such barbaric sports as cockfighting and boxing - both the regular and the kick varieties. Also, football, push-ups, and anything where you have to take your shirt off, it's embarassing.

Raymond Luxury-Yacht - Three Words: Dark Room Sex.

I'm not going to pretend to ignore that!

Enough about your promiscuous mother, dr. zarnak

And did someone say, "Long lost triplets?"

Now I am off to some Charity B.S. for knocked-up teenage sluts.

There are two kinds of people, sharks and sheep. Sharks don't look back, because they don't have necks. Necks are for sheep.

I agree. Spectacular song, this one.

What? What happened to Newt?
*searches internet*

*Owen Wilson walks out*

Monkeys AREN'T Donkeys!