P is for Psycho

You guys are way too uptight about this movie, which is clearly a return to the pet-based movies of yesteryear that were so beloved (like Homeward Bound and Milo and Otis). We should be thanking our lucky stars that Hollywood is producing movies of this caliber after so many years.

Bernie Taupin
I am pretty sure that Elton John didn't write "Daniel" or "Rocket Man", but that his long-time parter (music partner, not gay-partner) Bernie Taupin penned the lyrics to both of those songs, along with pretty much every Elton John hit.

Word-of-mouth probably hurts.

It's a Beige Alert!
Tell my wife I said, "Hello".

And Cuttlefish - easily the most awesome of all the cephalopods.

Good, a classical animated fantasy film!
Scene: A fantastic wilderness, with a band of adventurers walking down a winding path.

It's about these pirates. Pirates with patches over their eyes, and shiny gold teeth. And green birds on their shoulders.

SS: No, no, he said, "What's that rattle". It's the air conditioning duct.
SC: I distinctly heard "Battle".
SS: I've had a cold, you see.
SC: So you would hear R's as B's?
SS: That's right.

Not anymore, you're not, Papa.

I can own property, but only because I am not a penniless hippie.

Movies from the Simpson's Universe that I would like to see before a Simpson's Movie Sequel:

What about Erica?

Is this guy a shark, or what?

I, as a Denver Broncos fan, believe that the Simpsons writers, at least at that time in the show, had some kind of grudge against the Broncos.

Feel the rhythm, reel the rhyme, get on up, it's Bobsled time. COOL RUNNINGS!!!!

Death at a Funeral (with Black people)
I saw a preview for this "new" movie before watching "Up in the Air" this weekend.

Is Harbinger of the Arockalypse Eva Braun?

Back where I come from we had, "Papa Murphy's" pizza pies.

And penguins with rocket-launchers.

Batman Returns gets away with it because: